Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Blind Item #6

Dear Closeted Actors/Celebrities Under 30,

All of you are being trolled. Yes, including you Mr. New Guy/celebrity offspring who did the whole tweener network thing. I know you think the former tweener actress turned wannabe/will probably be a porn star before being the next Lindsay Lohan is doing you a favor by hanging out with you in public. She isn't. She goes through your phone with a purpose. Pictures and contacts. She will return later in your career for a payoff.

Love & Bacon,





  1. Tricia1312:02 AM

    Patrick Scwartzenegger and?

  2. elle b12:03 AM

    nat wolff/ thorne

  3. Oh, Bella

  4. Yup Bella and Nat

  5. Ferngully12:19 AM

    Bella Thorne and all her gay boyfriends. Tsk tsk Bella. Also, coming out kills blackmail opportunities and frees you to live life. Just a suggestion. People are over closet cases.

  6. But these gay men are using Belle Thorne as well that is the point of bearding. I doubt there gay guys care. They only care about passing as straight.The reason women beard is for publicity and fame they know the deal.

  7. sandybrook1:21 AM

    This goes along with the #alternativefacts the Enterns presented earlier this year that Bella was behind the NSFW dick pics leaked of Tyler Posey and the other guy from Teen Wolf last month.

  8. "...will probably be a porn star..." LOL!

  9. "Love & Bacon,


    I love this signature. i think I will steal it for future sign-offs! Maybe just not on business emails, though!

  10. So wait? She's stealing info off people's phones to blackmail them later when her crack money runs out? Junkie insurance.

  11. longtimereader2:10 AM

    *Patiently awaits the girl-on-girl scene on pornhub*

  12. poopmeister3:44 AM

    How did this person get started in the biz? One day she just appeared on the radar and won't go away. You almost pray for the Mother Ship to swoop down and suck them all up. Speaking of suck.

  13. Shalene11:01 AM

    Smart girl!!!!

  14. LimoMan11:07 PM

    Nat Wolff is closeted? That's a surprise to me. I remember way back he was dating Miranda Cosgrove as a teen and she supposedly broke up with him because he spread the locker room talk about her liking to do A2M. This new thing puts a whole new spin on that old relationship.

  15. joshuafree6:19 PM

    What? Miranda Cosgrove's A2M rumors? You need to elaborate this a bit. Never heard of it.
