Thursday, February 09, 2017

Blind Item #6

On the red carpet the other night, this current Academy Award nominee who is an A- list mostly movie actress was loudly complaining to everyone she wished she wore gloves because her hands looked old. If you were a reporter and said she looked beautiful, she stopped to talk to you. If you failed to mention it or worse, agreed she needed gloves she blew right by you.


  1. Tricia1312:01 AM

    Nicole Kidman?

  2. Guesser12:18 AM

    Nichole and her cold red hands.

  3. KellyAnneC, The Girl From P.U.T.I.N.12:39 AM

    Better old hands than small hands

  4. There's no plastic surgery for hands to "make them look younger."

    Gloves it is.

  5. Frank2:09 AM

    When women would ask me to guess their age, I look at the hands first. I'm usually correct within 2-3 years. Sorry, ladies.

  6. Long Island Girl4:42 AM

    Apparently, there is. Madonna had something drastic done, just short of transplants.

  7. RenShaw4:55 AM

    They do have hand rejuvenation procedures if you can afford it but they are not long lasting and eventually the wrinkling and veiny process return. I believe Madonna has had something done to her hands but the wrinkles return.

  8. Michelle Williams

  9. CheeseFries7:28 AM

    I don't think it's Nicole, my guess is also Michelle Williams.

  10. Hortensia11:01 AM

    My hands look pretty damn good. No age spots. Not a lot of veins.

  11. Camal1912:34 AM

    That age and getting old thing. There's no escaping it. Eventually we'll all be there too one day (If you're lucky to live that long). Must be tougher on an actress/actor, when at one point in your're told you're absolutely beautiful and people can't stop staring at "you look so old an undesirable." Must be hard on the ego and cause a lot of frustration and depression.

  12. Rainy Stephens1:24 AM

    I don't think this is Kidman. She has been around for a long time and knows better than to spew on the red carpet about anything. When it comes to publicity she is the consummate professional and wouldn't offend a reporter.

  13. JJxxxx3:03 PM

    Meryl Streep

  14. Norma5:21 PM

    Nicole appears to have a genetic skin disorder called ichthyosis, which is caused by mutations to the gene encoding profilaggrin (a protein which is converted to filaggrin which plays a vital role in the structure of the skin). There is no cure for it and it has nothing to do with aging.
