Friday, February 17, 2017

Blind Item #7

This married former A+ list mostly movie actress who never acts any longer is hooking up with an Uber driver she used a few months ago. He also supplies her pot.


  1. Tricia1312:32 AM

    Cameron Diaz

  2. Tricia1312:37 AM

    She used to hook up with my ex when he was her limo/Luxury car driver--- what can ya say- it's her thing maybe.....(fills up the ol tank,so to speak....puts the key in her ignition:)

  3. Guesser12:48 AM

    This blind makes no sense if the actress lives where it is legal. Either stronger drugs or BS

  4. GoTrollUrSelf12:50 AM

    I think that every day! It's like saying "supplies her with beer"

  5. Laura Ramona12:56 AM

    Hope the sex is good. With that joke of her husband I would bang a driver too. If hot

  6. Tricia1312:57 AM

    I think she mellowed over time-about 10 years ago she was doing a lot of coke apparently,and drinking--- I think this is her way of slowing down.

  7. sandybrook1:01 AM

    Is pot legal in LA? Or just medical marijuana?

  8. information desk1:27 AM

    Yes it's legal w/o a card

  9. longtimereader1:43 AM

    I love that rkelly song!

  10. Mmmkay1:45 AM

    This is hilarious. I hope the driver is at least an Uber Black.

  11. Uber sucks. Use lyft. The ceo of uber supports the orange Russia lovin menace.

  12. Tricia132:47 AM

    My god is that a song? Which part lol

  13. Wesser3:59 AM

    Calling BS. I think this is another blind CD&N came up with after seeing DM. And who needs a weed supplier these days

  14. Penny4:03 AM

    Lol sure she did

  15. Geoff4:19 AM

    If true, could spell the end of their marriage. I remember Madden kicked Paris Hilton to the curb when he found out she was cheating on him. Seems he's not in to sharing his women.

  16. Delaney4:23 AM

    I thought exactly the same thing! Pictures on Daily Mail yesterday of Diaz getting out of a car driven by a man and today CD&N has this. Funny. Plus her husband is a rocker so don't think she needs an Uber driver to get her weed if that's what she fancies.

  17. cameron is former A+ actress... good to know, i thought she's a girl who 'dancing in the mirror', wearing her tiny underwear in every movie...
    P.S. nothing wrong abt, she was OK...

  18. Soapy5:44 AM

    Tricia, if you wrote a short book, I'd buy it.

  19. Soapy5:48 AM

    Inga, I love that movie where Cammy dances in her tiny underwear. I also love that movie where Owen Wilson plays a slacker. Or the one where Tom Cruise plays a cocky SOB. Or when Vince Vaughan plays a lovable loser. Ha!

  20. Hortensia8:26 AM

    Diaz's husband might be the controlling type, and have her marijuana supplies rationed. At one time Diaz was the highest paid actress in the business.

  21. texasrose9:01 AM

    If this blind is true then I bet it won't be hard for her to find an uber near her home whenever she needs one.

  22. I remember in an interview Diaz said that they had learnt a lot about what commitment meant in their first year of marriage. Doesn't sound like someone who's out humping their Uber driver.

  23. ^I agree

  24. Tricia139:46 PM

    Haha just saw this @Soapy?
    Thanks-- I just might ya never know.....
