Thursday, February 09, 2017

Blind Item #8

Is there something there? Is it a conspiracy theory? All I know is this former A+ list celebrity/former syndicated actress turned reality star always visits an intermediary country between the US and the country where this A list celebrity boyfriend is who is getting more frequent visits from her now.


  1. Tricia1312:51 AM

    Pamela Anderson

  2. Tricia1312:53 AM

    And Julian Assamge again?In the U.K.?

  3. Guesser12:54 AM

    Julian Assange ,Pam Anderson, he even mentioned that he hated the vegan food she brings him. You can't make this stuff up.

  4. GoTrollUrSelf12:55 AM

    I thought Pammy was a paid visitor. Is Assange supposed to be her boyfriend?

  5. Guesser12:57 AM

    Probably needs permission from Equador, as he is at the Embassy. They want him out now.

  6. SandyC1:02 AM

    Visiting Russia, no doubt!

  7. Guesser1:15 AM

    @Sandy C,You are right! Pam is asking for RUSSIAN citizenship! What?

  8. austin1:34 AM

    Rapist fugitive from justice Julian Assange is considered an A list celebrity by the Enty writers? It explains the growing number of other list rankings here that haven't made sense to me.

  9. Every time I see her making a visit there, I think it's very bizarre. I am sure the all the three letter agencies are spying on her like it's 1984.

  10. longtimereader1:55 AM

    How is he a rapist? has anything he has released ever been proven false? why is giving the public useful information about what their leaders are doing a bad thing?

  11. poopmeister2:00 AM

    I think if we really knew the real Pam Anderson we would be stunned. There has to be a better way of getting back into the spotlight than this. I wish someone would get Assange out of the embassy and to somewhere he will be able to have a life. But with Pam Anderson?

  12. austin2:03 AM

    Multiple women have accused him of rape and sexual molestation. He must be pretty certain Swedish authorities have sufficient evidence to convict him to voluntarily become a near prisoner at the Ecuadorian Embassy for all practical purposes these last 6 years to avoid extradition back for questioning. He's shady to say the least by most normal measures.

  13. Hothotheat2:24 AM

    Assange is on the lam from Rape accusations, not Wikileaks.

  14. Long Island GIrl3:14 AM

    Pam is a spy.

  15. Cherry3:58 AM

    Pam's fake tits are recording devices.

  16. Brizz4:05 AM

    Compelling evidence suggests that the rape accusations are falsified and that Julian is being framed. He clearly has a bounty on his head for the information he has helped to leak. I'll believe him over CNN and the likes of other bought-and-sold American news outlets ANY day.

  17. Lydia4:29 AM

    Compelling evidence and yet you conveniently avoid providing a single example? Don't tell me - you're male. Rape apologists are scum.

  18. RenShaw4:36 AM

    Julian made big cheeses around the world angry with him for publishing hacked information exposing hidden information not only about the US gov, but other governments too. Then suddenly the rape accusations. I'm surprised people don't consider that angle as well which is the fair thing to do. He exposes the information, not create it and globalist don't play that.

  19. RenShaw4:38 AM

    They don't want him for rape. They want him dead for spilling the beens.

  20. Lydia4:51 AM

    No - not then suddenly the rape accusations. They occurred months before he published the hacked information, and then others were added after further investigation. More misinformation to sweep his criminal character under the rug.

  21. austin5:08 AM

    He's fighting extradition to Sweden to avoiding questioning on rape charges. He's waiting for Sweden's Statue of Limitations to run out on all charges. Some of them he's already successfully outlasted, other he's still got several years to wait.

    From the web:

    "An allegation of sexual assault and one of coercion were dropped against Assange last year after the statute of limitations to bring charges expired. The rape allegations, involving one of the women, will expire in 2020, if Assange isn't charged by then.
    Sep 16, 2016"

  22. RenShaw5:46 AM

    I'm not questioning whatever they got on the record since I don't know. But I have read in other venues the allegations are bogus and politically motivated to catch a man who is the source of much consternation with some world governments. Considering he is a wanted man for enabling and publishing guarded information and no doubt has a bounty on his head, I understand him wanting to hide. Do your really think he has a fair shot for a defense. Regardless, I think he's dmw the minute he steps out of that embassy.

  23. shakey5:52 AM

    Is she going to live and make bad movies with Steven Segall?

  24. RenShaw5:54 AM

    I'm not a rape apologist scum as you aptly put it to the other guy. I worked with raped victims and I'm intimately aware what that does to the person. I'm the kind that would want to shoot him on the spot, but luckily we are a nation of laws. I also seen what false accusations do to men. It destroys lives. I'm also the kind that would want to see those women behind bars, but it never happens. Which is why when accusations are thrown out there and considering Assange's circumstances, it compels me to think as to what really happened.

  25. Lydia6:12 AM

    If you were concerned with what really happened, you wouldn't have portrayed the rape accusations as coming after Assange published hacked information. And by default, since that was your position, you also intimate that the women he stands accused of violating are liars. Nice try, but as I said..

  26. RenShaw6:28 AM

    Wrong again. Whenever there is allegation of rape, and specially with victims I don't know, I always choose on the side of caution. Rape is damn complicated if you knew anything about the subject matter which is why it's not always clear cut in many cases. And no, I'm not referring to the young souls from all over the world who are subjected into horrific situation. I don't know those women from Adam, but unlike you, I prefer a full presentation of determining facts before saying someone is a rapist.

  27. sense&sensibility7:15 AM

    @RenShaw +10000000000000000000000
    But mind you,your rationale and collected mind is arguing with a (likely-I won't label or generalize like them)liberal who throws all that aside in the rabid quest of condemnation of all others that are not in agreement or accord.
    How did that "All Women's March" work out for you again?Hate rhetoric,violence,hypocrisy,and vulgarity- now I remember.

  28. sense&sensibility7:28 AM

    They should spend some time looking over Slick Willie Clintons multiple "unsubstantiated " , very damning rape claims or do us favor and go back to school.

  29. Well said.
    Liberals suck the life out of everything and want to be apologized to -for being wrong AND losing a democratic election they favor when the electorate goes their way.
    Sad,totally delusional bunch of whiners

  30. Scandi Sanskrit9:41 AM

    Can you blame him?! My "vegan phase" only lasted about 6 seconds... On Vine.

  31. Hortensia10:57 AM

    Accusations of rape from the Swedish authorites should be considered authentic. They do not take lightly the assault of any person on any grounds! Assange accused of rape, it most likely is very true. He needs to face justice, and meet his fate. Simple.

  32. Hortencia that logic might persuade the average idiot or moron who doesn't know that Swedens greatest sexual predators -like record numbers- are all immigrants and all Muslim. The local police don't report on it for fear of "racism" labels ironically.
    Though you may need to be informed at some point in your life.No charge,don't worry

  33. Lydia8:31 PM

    BS - Your mind is already made up. All you've done is try to portray the rape charges as false. Then you claim your only concern is for fairness after being called on it. You from previous comments above:

    "Julian made big cheeses around the world angry with him for publishing hacked information... Then suddenly the rape accusations"

    "They don’t want him for rape. They want him dead for spilling the beens."

  34. Lydia8:49 PM

    And then there's this gem:

    "Rape is damn complicated if you knew anything about the subject matter which is why it’s not always clear cut in many cases."

    99.999% of reported rape cases are legitimate, and there are numerous others that never get reported because of apologists like you always looking for an angle to excuse the perpetrator at the expense of the victim.

  35. RenShaw11:54 PM

    No. All rapes should be investigated. That hardly classifies as a bias as you so put it. Apparently in your worldview, anyone that says that says "rape merits investigations is a rape apologist." And it is complicated from a legal sense. Go ask a lawyer. But you will convict any one with a dick at the moment the allegation is made. I hope there are no males in your life.

  36. RenShaw11:57 PM

    Yes, all men are rapist. Poor Lydia, go get on some medication will you.

  37. RenShaw12:03 AM

    Lydia would argue that those women are the .0001%. This argument is so beneath me I regret engaging her. I hope she never sits on a rape jury or any jury for that matter.

  38. RenShaw12:15 AM

    The Swedes are telling women to reconsider their dress code to avoid rape. That most be what she's talking about. Strange how some of these ladies quiet and retreat upon hearing who the predator is because God forbid they don't want to be labeled an .....phobe But that's just another facet of the level of cowardice and ignorance out there.

  39. Twist my words and then throw in an insult for good measure. So intellectually honest, courageous, and mature of you. And not surprising.

  40. Thank you, @Lydia
    (What she said!)

  41. Long Island Girl10:14 AM

    Fuck you, RenShaw. You are not only skewing Lydia's words but reinventing yours.
    YES, all rapes should be investigated and tried. Such is not the case with Julian Assange.
    Would many like to see his ass in a sling? Hell yes, but that doesn't absolve him of crimes he may have committed.

    By the way, where are Trumps emails?

  42. Long Island Girl10:16 AM

    I knew that's where you were going, Marlo. SIck fuck.

  43. Long Island Girl10:17 AM

    That was directed to sense@sensibility. Unless you are Marlo too.

  44. Long Island Girl10:18 AM

    My fucking god. How many manifestations does (the Brit, mind you) Marlo have?

  45. Long Island Girl10:19 AM

    FAKE NEWS! hahaha

  46. Long Island Girl10:25 AM

    I know, right? A real human being with cognizant thinking ability. Go figure.

  47. RenShaw10:36 AM

    Maybe Assange will find those e-mails. Don't screw yourself, find Lydia.
