Thursday, February 23, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 9, 2017

Is there something there? Is it a conspiracy theory? All I know is this former A+ list celebrity/former syndicated actress turned reality star always visits an intermediary country between the US and the country where this A list celebrity boyfriend is who is getting more frequent visits from her now.

Pamela Anderson/Julian Assange


  1. I can't figure this out.

    PR move on her part?
    Or, he's really, really good on his part?

    Either way, they are both getting the needed PR they want.

  2. Salaam12:46 AM

    Pamela Anderson never struck me as the cheesecake by day/international woman of espionage by night type.

  3. I have to wonder if hanging with Sam Simon before his death pushed her in that direction

  4. marlo1:36 AM

    There is nothing to get. PA is just an over the hill cretin, who is attracted to 'bad boys', Julian Assange being a different breed of bad boy. She's too dumb for anybody to read anything more into this. She loves the attention, she gets her name attached to somebody serious for a change, and she loves being an activist, like many empty-headed idiots: it makes them feel smart and important.
    Meanwhile JA is phacking her cause, well, she is Pamela Anderson. But as soon as he's free to leave the embassy, it's bye bye blonde silicone-titted airhead. Cause there will be a sea of other willing silicone airheads, who will be delighted to spread for Mr Wikileaks.

  5. GoTrollUrSelf1:50 AM

    On another site, they're suggesting it's because she sees him as a fiery activist and wants her children to meet him.
    Apparently, this is an actual relationship.

  6. longtimereader1:51 AM

    Now that's some home delivery for you.

  7. information desk2:13 AM

    So she's smuggling in propaganda or drugs coded messages

  8. marlo2:21 AM

    information desk - she's smuggling in propaganda?? LMAO

    Like what kind of propaganda? To get propaganda nowadays, you don't need a 90s tv blonde to smuggle shit for you, all you have to is read the main stream media!

    And to get drugs, you tip one of the cleaners of the embassy, who you have known for 5 years now, you don't need somebody famous, to fly half the way across the globe and then go down to SoHo dressed in a raincoat and big shades, to get you your stuff.

    Don't be so bloody stupid.

  9. Jessica3:01 AM

    Enty had a past reveal that Assange is paying her price, He's always had a thing for her.

  10. information desk3:26 AM

    @marlo the internet leaves a trace!!!
    Don't be so bloody stupid ok!!!

  11. information desk3:32 AM

    @marlo it says she goes from 1 country to a 2nd intermediate country before flyi6to a 3rd country aka his if it's just prostitution she doesn't need to go to a 2nd country to get paid
    Ever heard of usb sticks??

  12. marlo4:20 AM

    information desk - ok, you got me thinking now, except for: she's one of the most famous women on the planet. Wouldn't it be safer and smarter to get some random 'embassy visitors' dropping off usb sticks for him?

    You'd really hire that bimbo for that, who is recognised everywhere she goes? And you'd TRUST her???
    Anonymous ppl can at least be disposed of quietly if they fuck up.

  13. laura ramona4:24 AM

    im so behaving not commenting on this one and pam s herpes on julian 's ...mmm, behave laura

  14. Sd auntie4:26 AM

    Uhh yeah. Pam is not that bright and cant be trusted. Too obvious of a target.

  15. Gypsy Trill4:52 AM

    I thought his longtime squeeze was Clooney's wife.

  16. Melissa6:23 AM

    I guess I am the only person who truly feels Ms Anderson is not stupid.
    Sure she had made awful choices with men but I am willing to chalk that up to the sexual abuse she endured as a child/teenager. All of us who were victimized in that sense go on to live real hard, real wild and make real bad choices with men, sex and drugs...until we wake up or are awoken by someone/something.
    I believe Pam is a complex person, passionate about what she loves and believes in (she has been an both animal rights and sexual assault victims activist for a long time) but yet hampered by the volatile nature/actions of her past.
    I do not know her nor am I even a fan she is just someone who has always struck me as not what she seems.
    I mean she actually SMILES in pictures and admits her faults and mistakes. I don't know, I can't hate on her. I think he heart is huge and she has tried her best to find happiness.

  17. information desk6:45 AM

    Famous people are less likely to get red flagged for sneaking in anything other than drugs

  18. information desk6:46 AM

    Pam has Many places to hide usb sticks too

  19. Guesser10:30 AM

    @imformation desk is right, she is much less likely to be searched, especially after being there several times. And @ Melissa is right, she's far from dumb, maybe naive and trusting, but she is not dumb.

  20. Hortensia11:06 AM

    How could Julian Assange possibly pay for sex? He doesn't work; he's in limbo in an embassy. Who pays him, anyway? Is Pam supporting him? What for? He's not special, by any stretch of anyone's imagination.

  21. marlo2:39 PM

    I guess we shall never know.

  22. Emeraldcity8:34 PM

    Maybe they chose her as a courier because she is percieved to be such an airhead, who would suspect her.
