Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 6, 2017

Left out of the story of this foreign born permanent A list model about her out of the country beating was the why. Luckily for you, if you go back in time on the site, you will see the why that she seems to have ignored.

Naomi Campbell


  1. poopmeister1:26 AM

    Vlad has a lot on his plate. Beating up coke-heads with anger management problems isn't one of his problems. Hell, I would beat her up if I got the chance.

  2. longtimereader2:05 AM

    Previous blind, she was dating an oligarch at the time.

  3. Jennifer2:33 AM

    BOOHOO. It's payback for beating her assistants.

  4. Molly Flynn3:18 AM

    Putin is a vicious pig and teeny tiny man-- why else would he brutalize women?

  5. She has an awful attitude and treats people like shit so maybe she deserved it?

  6. Emmaf5:05 AM

    Deserved rape? Really? Did that even sound good in your head?

    Erm no. No one. Ever.

  7. Pamela Cummings5:40 AM

    Thoughts, but not excusing Naomi's behavior. She's been poked, prodded, abused physically/mentally, drugged up and drug around. No wonder she responds like a cornered panther, she has zero trust in people.

  8. Color Me Confused9:25 AM

    While he was brutalizing women, did you think to capture the event on video? I can't even begin to contemplate how much money you could make on You Tube with footage like that! That said, it would help your family with your funeral arrangements.

  9. Really?10:03 AM

    The "why" is generally that a man can't control his anger. You seem to think this is the victim's fault somehow??

  10. A beating isn't rape. Unclutch those pearls.

  11. Long Island Girl11:49 AM

    Fuck you.

  12. Long Island Girl11:50 AM

    OMG, a normal person.
