Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 10, 2016

Our favorite drunken B+ list cable tv actor from that hit show did his usual drunk thing this weekend, but instead of finding a groupie and going to his room, he was pawing at a co-star who was not impressed.

Norman Reedus (now, there is a co-star who does enjoy his pawing, just not this particular one.)


  1. AyyyPapi1:38 AM

    Oy vey. Carol's getting dicked down by Daryl!

  2. longtimereader1:38 AM

    I gave up on this show a few seasons ago, very repetitive.

  3. sandybrook1:49 AM

    And Kruger is alone and not working very much. Good job Diane!

  4. +1

    Negan's the new Governor - but more outwardly brutal.

    But, i read online that the comic book jumps forward -- after this season -- two years and Negan is part of Rick's group. What the...?

  5. Mandy2:00 AM

    It's such a cop-out to not reveal the co-star,Enty.

    If this is Melissa and she rejected him I'm relieved cause she deserves much better.

  6. Bridgit2:03 AM

    I'm confused. The other costar is Kruger or other woman from TWD?

    I almost forgot Diane and Norman were in a movie together. It was such a flop.

  7. Mandy2:11 AM

    Not if she was the one unimpressed by his pawning lmao

  8. Simon2:31 AM

    I think Carol and Michonne more likely to be the one who was not impressed. And, I'm going with Rosita or Maggie as the one he's currently pawing.

  9. Hailey2:46 AM

    Or he was pawning at Carol and she was unimpressed and he is hooking up with Michonne.

    Rosita wasn't part of the panel who brought them all to NYC for the weekend.

    I hoped he wasn't pawning at the woman he claims is his best friend(Carol) but he is a drunk so...

  10. A.H.L2:55 AM

    The only co star he was with that night was Melissa McBride. The co star who enjoys him is Diane Kruger since they worked on a movie together. So is Melissa the co star he won't give up? Starting to believe that what's happening is what others said on comments around here: Diane likes Norman, who fucked around with her, but wants his co star, who doesn't want anything beyond casual, if that much.

  11. SkittleKitty2:59 AM

    At one time, he was sleeping with Emily Kinney (former co-star). She released an album, with one song's lyrics stating:
    "When you leave you always leave a little mess behind
    When you leave you always leave a little mess

    Your cigarette smell, broke leather jacket taste
    It lingers in the air right in front of my face
    You're like a bar marker star stamp I can't scrub off
    You're like a tattered ankle bracelet I can't seem to unknot
    And if you wanna come around I'm caught"

  12. Kayla3:04 AM

    People think all her songs are about him most were written before they got together lol

    But what really matters is that she is a shitty writter and a Taylor Swift wannabe.

  13. Mandy3:06 AM

    The blind is clear about her not enjoying the pawning at NYC.

    Time to take her name out of this mess. They were never together.

    Enty, please reveal the other costar Danai or Diane so people can leave her alone.

  14. Annonna3:17 AM

    He was never with Emily. That was a fan-created rumor. She had a boyfriend at the time and no, she was not unfaithful to him. That story was 100% made up. Now as for this story and the "not impressed" co-star: the version I've heard is that yes, it was Melissa, but the only reason she "was not impressed" was because they were in public. When not in public, they "enjoy" the shit out of each other... if you know what I mean. He's extremely protective of her and normally respects her wishes of keeping it out of the public eye, but a bit too much to drink made him a bit to obvious in public that night (too many cameras around for her liking as well). So yeah, take it or leave it, it's what I heard and that's all I've heard on this subject so really can't say more about any of it. Just, yes they have a thing, not it's not a committed relationship (more of a "friends with benefits" situation), and Melissa wants her privacy. *shrugs shoulders*

  15. Annonna3:21 AM

    @A.H.L: This is pretty accurate based on what I heard, too. Melissa doesn't mind being with him, she just minds when he gets TOO close in public. Basically, she just wants her private life kept private (and since it's not hit the press I'm sure she doesn't even know any of it came out, so good for her!).

  16. Melly3:28 AM

    @ Mandy, the co star is not Danai. Sorry if you don't like Melissa's name in the middle of it, I don't like it either, but it is what it is.

    The version I know is the same annonna said. Melissa likes her privacy and they have a sort of fwb/open relationship going on where she enjoys it, but wants it out of the public eye. Norman got drunk and ended up being too public about them on the party, that's why she was not liking it.

    The co star who enjoys him is Diane Kruger because it's obvious at this point she did everything she could to play pretty couple with him but he was not having, and ended up dumping her. The other blind says it all: she wanted come out, he set her straight it wasn't happening because of the co star, and he ended things with her soon after.

    And Emily Kinney was never a thing, she was probably the one who sold that story to the tabloids, they never dated. It was more fans wishful thinking/ Emily trying to boost her public image.

  17. Jessica3:54 AM

    It's obvious the person at the party was Melissa...she doesnt like too much of attention of her and of course when norman gets too handsy she doesnt like because that is the way she is. I heard about that too Annonna, that they have a thing going on and its actually melissa that doesnt want to take things more than there is. Is a good deal for both. The one who would love the attention from him its obvious Diane. She is the one dying for some crumbs trow at her.

  18. Mandy3:55 AM

    I don't want to picture his grubby hands all over her and him holding onto her by not going public with Diane "for her" as if HE hopes she will ever be any more official than Diane. I don't know what is up with him and I don't want to know. Just....Get away from him..."Break up". I don't know,just end it.

    I do see some evidence of those things being true but there is still a small chance it's Danai.

  19. Jessica4:11 AM

    Mandy...the heart wants what the heart wants...LOL true words from Selena...and I'm not even a fan of her. but now in more serious tone....Melissa is an awesome person as you said and as i can see you like her, if she chooses to be with norman and to have whathever they have together its because norman is probably not that monster you think he is. Trust her judgment. They are lovely they obviously care a lot about each other and norman adores her so i think its a win/win situation

  20. Why the blind doesn't say who the co star is? And can someone explain why is Melissa? I'm not doubting it, but I wanted to hear other people's thoughts, thank you.

  21. Melly5:52 AM

    @andy it comes from the other blind items surrounding the whole "Diane and Norman" affair. The blinds started to paint the picture that Diane was more into Norman than the other way around, and it was duo the fact he had something with his co star.

    Then it was said Diane tried to come out as a couple and Norman made clear he was not going to give up his co star, so she was left with basically no option. Not sure about how everything went down, seems like Norman dumped her at some point. And this blind item showed up at the weekend where Norman was with Melissa McBride in a party, so it rules out all the other options. And people said (dont know where it came from) that Melissa doesn't want to be public/have a serious relationship so they engage in this open thing/fwb.

  22. @Melly i think the part of melissa not wanting to be public come not only as Melissa way to be. She is just private and likes her privacy but also there are rumors about the 2 in georgia, where they film, where they are always with e/o, spending nights at e/o houses and all of that. This never came out publicly because in georgia is not the same as nyc or LA and people in the little town where they film are very protective of them but its well know around that area that they are pretty close, if you know what i mean. i think people simply dont talk about it. For what i know there is some fans of both too that live close to the area that know about stories and stuff but they never share with the class either so...lol
    But i think its becomes pretty obvious when you just stop and observe the 2 and their behavior. Specially norman's behavior around Melissa.

  23. Annonna8:01 PM

    Like Jen said, some know stories... some don't come out or spread, but some do, and that said ;) I feel the need to clarify some things: Norman's not a bad person. He sometimes has issues with letting go of things for whatever reason (honestly no idea why) and he has issues committing (he really hasn't committed to anyone since HC, but he's working on it). That doesn't make him a bad person or "gross" or someone people should be worried about Melissa being with. As long as neither of them are committing, don't worry. Melissa isn't some weak person who just accepts his ways, believe me. She's getting pretty tired of his inability to just drop what hurts him (DK), but he does treat Melissa well. Very well. He's super sweet to her and always there for her. He's dropped major things in the past to be with her (mainly planned appearances and important meetings). At the end of the day, Melissa is a strong, independent, and very smart woman who will drop intimacy with him instantly if she doesn't feel comfortable with him. As it is, she's the one who's not really interested in committing until things change. He's seems to be more into her than she is him at the moment, but that said they're both into each other so who knows what'll happen. One thing is clear though: He's really tired of DK, he just needs to get his shit together and tell her he's done. No one really seems to understand why he hasn't already.

  24. Annonna it seems highly possible that he has and very likely did so after the Christmas debacle. Other blinds and NR fan sources have suggested he dumped her and the rumour mill is she's quite bitter about it.

  25. Carrie10:33 PM

    @Annonna He dumped Kruger already. I think they never really were a couple per si, she tried but for him it was just one more person he fucked with. Don't think she hurt him, if so, he's the one who "hurt" her. She's bitter about it, but what comes around, goes around huh?

    And I think Reedus is just accepting what he can get from his co star. The woman seems to have him wrapped around her finger, for everything I read and heard around. Good for her. She's smart. Deserves better imo, but don't think he's that awful either.

  26. Annonna3:46 AM

    @Carrie As far as I've heard he was still in touch with DK a month ago, but it's fully possible he's FINALLY told her to back off for good. And no, like you say they were never a couple, it was a completely uncommitted thing which she hated, but he didn't want more. She got desperate and kept trying to make him feel bad. "The co-star" (Melissa, let's not play around), didn't like that DK upset him, but that's pretty much the only reason I've heard for her not liking that he was with DK. Since they're not committed either you know... it was whatever. But yeah.

  27. Anonnona. , i heard the same story as you. About the Diane though i heard he 'dumped' after her appearing in the gallery totally uninvited and out of nowhere and trying to look like they were 'assuming' something. True to be told after that she seems way more 'calm' and even made some articles about her and her single life, coming out on some tabs. I personally think they fucked probably 2 times max and she made an whole story thinking he would change because of her. About him and Melissa...i agree 100% with you, i think he is a nice guy in general but of course he have his issues (will all do) and that he doesnt said DK to fuck off sooner because i think he doesnt like confrontations and he doesnt like to hurt people even though DK was a pain in his fucking ass.
    About Melissa, i totally think its her calling the shots on this and he is totally smitten by her. not that she isn't, she is in her own way, but you can even see how norman's behavior changes when she is around. Is like he zooms in her and that is it. Sad, people dont share a lot of stories with me cause i would love to hear them.

  28. Annonna6:24 AM

    Well, after today's pictures of Norman and Diane, I guess I had heard right about him still not having let her go. Shame, he's throwing away a good thing with Melissa for someone who just wants attention and has upset him badly on numerous occasions. Maybe Melissa backed out, who knows. I'll see what I can find out, but N and D being out in public is not a good sign for all those hoping he was finally done with her.

  29. Mandy7:12 AM

    I stand by my opinion he was never with Melissa. There is no proof and she wouldn't accept being with him same time as Diane. If anything she cares too much about her reputation to do that.

    There's a reason no one can find anything on any boyfriends/girlfriends she had. Or any dirt at all.

    If he tried to grab her and nothing happened it doesn't mean anything.

    It's just him being drunk and grabbing the closest person like he always does.

  30. Annonna, i was going to back here to say you were right! lol well its obvious she set him up. she was being chased earlier by the paps on the grocery store (no weekend getway like Daily mail wanted to call) and she perfectly knew she was being papped. Now I'm intrigued what happen with Melissa and him...or if this was just one of DK games where she got luck because she called the paps and they were caught or if this its him assuming something. Either way i want to see how he is going to back this one out cause for some this is very disappointing...even if they are still not together as a couple

  31. Mandy life is not that linear....and one thing is not dependable of the other. the fact that he was caught with DK have nothing to do with the fact that him and melissa have something or not. I personally believe they have...nobody is that friendly with just a friend, if you know what i mean, and there is mutiple people saying the same thing and from different sources. so where is smoke there is fire. If we were talking about norman and other person people would bat an eyelash..melissa is not some fragile damsel...if you have that idea of her you are very wrong. she is quite the opposite, but she is also a independent and private person. but to each their own.

  32. Mandy7:22 AM

    Who is calling her fragile? I said she cares too much about her reputation to play fool to Norman.

    Caring about your reputation/pride more than about some man is the opposite of being weak.

    People say that stuff because many want their characters together. That happens a lot.

    And pne thing is totally dependent on the other cause she would look like the other woman.

  33. Actually i dont think she cares about her reputation...i think she cares about her privacy that i can give you that, but her reputation??i dont think she is worried about that. she has values so there is no worries there.
    I'm not even confusing things...i'm not that serious even about TWD but i do like them and i always thought they had something going on....that is what it lead me to this blog because i was surprised that were not so many rumors about the 2 out there because to me its obvious. And again, like people referred before, about melissa and norman there is a lot of stories but half of the people dont tell it even so its not people 'telling stuff'. but we all have our right to have our own opinion, so we will have to agree on disagree.

  34. I think you have to read the previous blinds, it is well known that DK appears at key moments when it is known that Norman is close to Melissa, why? It seems obvious to me that the girl wants attention. Regarding Melissa, she has always kept her life very private, which seems to me perfect and Norman has always respected, is known by many thousands of stories about them, have seen them walking together by Senoia, eat, eat breakfast, go out To parties, concerts and other things together, tourists who can see them say that they look happy, and of course they may have decided to end the relationship they had and that is why DK has emerged again taking advantage of what we know he likes.
    To parties, concerts and other things together, tourists who can see them say that they look happy, and of course they may have decided to end the relationship they had and that is why DK has emerged again taking advantage of what we know he likes.
    And regarding the blind in question, it is clear that the co star in the party that day was Melissa, she is very calm and in the photos looks very comfortable, I do not know where they draw the conclusion that she is uncomfortable with him.
    And regarding the blind in question, it is clear that the co star in the party that day was Melissa, she is very calm and in the photos looks very comfortable, I do not know where they draw the conclusion that she is uncomfortable with him.

    Anyway, maybe Norman and Melissa are not together now, but one thing is true, they were, besides, a couple of weeks ago he has posted a picture of Melissa in his ig insunuando that makes him happy, then maybe they had some Problem, a simple opinion

  35. Mandy9:05 AM

    I see what you mean if this was other woman there would be rumors earlier but there is no proof.

    We don't know for sure if the costar blinds were all about her. That's all.

    Norman always has a girlfriend. It usually last 2/3 years and he doesn't spend a lot of time single. So it was a surprise to many that he spent these last 2 years" alone". That's why it's not a stretch to claim he has been dating Diane for a while even if he still hooks up with groupies and other people. Because that's what he always does even while having "official" girlfriends. it's true Melissa has values and cares about privacy that's why she wouldn't get that involved with him.

  36. Briana9:18 AM

    DK doesn't "appear" when he is closer to Melissa. He always been close to Melissa since around the time they met on 2010. Check his tweets. The fact DK and all this mess with JJ exist is what brought all this attention to his costar and their "relationship" that people ASSUME it's Melissa

    The picture he posted saying that it made him happy was of his "dead" costar Glenn(Steven) and her. I don't think that's a big deal he always posts pictures of his TWD friends.

    Fact is if they were ever together they most likely aren't anymore. The blind stated the costar wouldn't be with him if he came out as a couple with Diane. Whoever she is she dodged a bullet.

  37. uhh, sorry, some part of my comment was duplicated, i hope it has been undestoord what i meant. In short, I do not know why they always reduce them to "friends" when it is evident that they have always been beyond, maybe they just finished and period. They looked very happy and the people who know them say the same, I only say what I have been told.
    In the end are two adults, that if they are not together because they will know why, but it is unfair to say that Norman is the "bad" in this matter, Norman and Melissa have always been respected and he goes for it, and Is very protective, so I do not understand what the problem is people.

  38. caroline4:15 PM

    You are all missing the point here. It's a fact the costar enty is talking about here and other blinds is melissa. In this particular one we knew he was talking about Melissa because was the person that norman was all over during that party and weekend, and on top of that there is another common fact...in all the blinds about the co-star with who Reedus is, enty chooses not to say her name..why is that??? my take is that someone PR team tried to make a deal with enty to not reveal the name of the co-star, since that said co-star is very private and his best friend too.
    Now back to the pics....i dont know if norman knew about the pics. DK definitely knew about them and made sure the paps still followed her...actually she called them. was not like she was caught out of nowhere. she made sure they were taking the pics and following her. saying this doesnt take the blame on norman. he knew better. he knew that playing games with DK this would happen soon or later, being serious with her or not. I dont know what happen with norman and melissa or even if something happen, cause i think he and DK have been fuck buddies, but i dont know what he is going to do with this or where its going to lead his thing with melissa...Like Any said and well was all very obvious that they were more than friends...people were the ones choosing not to see it because they were never 'caught' although they were seen number of times together having lunch, dinner, breakfeast, going to e/o houses, sleeping there, her driving his porsche all around...so if people want to got there, there is actually evidence, and then i think you just have to see the way he behaves around her. its pretty obvious is not just a friendship kind of a thing.

  39. Annonna4:31 PM

    Latest news: Norman and Melissa are still doing the nasty. In fact, what I just heard is nothing has changed at all (as far as his friends know). But yes, it does seem very much like Diane set this up to be able to go public with Norman even though she is fully aware he doesn't want that. Fun fact of the day: Apparently she even like a post on Instagram about how long they'd been able to keep quite. It seems Norman responded by liking a photo of him and Melissa. (I swear this is truing into a bad romance novel.)

  40. Annonna4:40 PM

    Co-star has been confirmed as Melissa by people who know him and his friends, although that wasn't even necessary to confirm it after this blind where Melissa was literally the only female co-star he was out with.

  41. Annonna this is turning a Mexican novela no joke....but I knew this was set up and was obvious that it was. There is pics of her on that same day and she knew she was being papped because the paps were right at her front and pics are not even at long distance....now I want to know what is going Norman to do with this...cause this is another level of shaddy....keep us update when you can and thank you!

  42. Annonna7:25 PM

    Will do. Oh and BTW, apparently he was liking a lot of photos in Instagram not just the one of Melissa. Non that had anything to do with Diane though, that's for sure. I think we can conclude that he pretended nothing had happened and did his normal Instagram-thing, while Diane just went on to try and force an admission even more. The exact comment she liked was: "He's very good at keeping it quiet, he was in Sky with her at leas a year ago. There's been ni photos since then til now.". This was posted under one of the pictures of the two in NY that came out. I look forward to talking to people about this again in a few days.

  43. She is incredible shady and I'm baffle that she went with this big guns and e even more liking that type of comments on Instagram which only give us the reason that she is indeed a shady motherfuckerz. I can't even understand how Norman can be with her serious or not. She is the worst of the worst. Thank you for the update

  44. He always likes a lot of pics and shit but her going into that trouble to make it even more obvious to me only says that she is not only desperate to be talked about and be linked to him but she have no respect for herself and even less for him....but that is a giving. Someone that calls the paps to be catched and then goes to the paps pics and 'likes' comments there....says a lot about her. Now, I'm curious to know what Norman will do cause this is no bueno for him....at all levels. People are very dissapointed not because it's Diane but because he lied and lied and lied. That's awful.

  45. Tanya9:56 PM

    the question here is really what he is going to do now that the cat is out of the bag? did he talked with DK about this so she have free willing to like things about him or them in Instagram or is she trying to force the thing even more? cause i dont know if DK have forgotten but all that rumors of her cheating will come out in full force and she will be seen as a cheater...so i would not be that happy. So yeah the question remains in what is he going to do...cause that I'm curious about.and I'm curious about melissa also...i want to see what she is going to do cause for what i can understand she is the one that have the reigns of the thing they have. As Jen I'm also baffled that he even lets himself to be associated with this girl. she is obviously trying to be relevant since there its nothing interesting in her beside her love life (and even that is not that investing) to stay on the tabs and because she is greedy as we can see...she want it all..she want the red carpets the paps 24/7..all of that. Her instagram account is burning with not so nice comments..but i bet she is loving the attention. norman in other hand..like i dont even know what to say about him...even as just a fuck buddy diane is one the most deplorable people ever...i dont know why and how he puts himself on this situation but its very dissapointing.

  46. Briana10:04 PM

    No offense but am I supposed to believe some of you anonymous people know Norman and his friends personally and that's how you know he is currently banging Melissa. I don't buy it.

    I never seen anyone claiming to have sources say that anywhere else. Not even gossip sites.

    If enty reveals the name of the costar I'll shut up but I still think it's most likely someone else.

    Most of Norman's relationships barely last 3 years I doubt he is still so into Melissa 7 years later.

  47. Briana, you are entitled to believe in whatever you want. Me and others are entitled to believe in whatever we want....just to make it clear, my opinion is based in observations of the 2...like i said before there is stories about them and the majority of the people dont tell because they want to maintain the privacy, special of Melissa. If you think that 2 best friends, both straight, one men and woman, that sleep at each other houses, go out just the 2 and come back to home/hotel whatever just the 2, are just friends..then be my guest....and judging him being into melissa or not by the years of his previous relationships...i mean...melissa is his best friend, she is not a random if you cant see the difference in that then there is nothing i can do. have an awesome day/night.

  48. Briana10:35 PM

    Norman is touchy-feely with everyone. He kisses male friends on the mouth.

    People don't even know for sure if Melissa is straight.

    I'm judging by his precious relationships,yes,cause his attention is fleeting.

    But yeah people can believe whatever they want.

  49. Briana, I think the rumor was they possibly had something going on since 2014 when he broke up with his ex. Not seven years, lol. The info comes ppl who actually live and work in the towns where they live and work. Now, of course just them hanging out alone together often isn't proof they are more than friends. But its proof the opportunity is there, which it isn't with any of his other co-stars, who don't live in GA full time like both of them do, and who don't hang out together outside of work all the time.

    As for a lack of gossip, let me try to put it nicely...there would be plenty of tabloid material if Melissa were sort of "actress" who had deals with the tabloids to get weekly pap shots of her "stepping out" to buy groceries in Georgia. Lol. Or if she arranged to have paps "catch" her and Norman alone together riding his bike, having lunch, buying furniture for his house (all of which they've done in past year). Then the tabloids could take the pics and make up article full of false info.

    That's how Diane gets in DM and TMZ. That's how Emily Kinney got her name linked to Norman in mags based off one creeper pic of them at dinner after her concert (not even sitting alone) when the two hadn't even been in the same town in over a year.

    There's plenty of fan pics and creeper pics of nr and her, just that his real friends like melissa, liz, his ex HC, etc. don't need or care to use a connection to him for their own publicity. Probably because they value their friendships as well as their own reputations and ability to get recognition based on their talent, not who they date. *shrug*

  50. Seeing MMB's name in the middle of this mess makes me sick. Whatever happened between them (if it happened, which I don't think so cause we have no proofs, it's wishful thinking), is over. Let's move on

  51. Annonna1:25 AM

    Meh, let people believe what they want. People like me (and Enty, for example) give the information we have. What people then want to believe is completely up to them. It's really not about that. I don't care who believes the information I give, I'll still give what I have (well, most of it... some things I really can't say because it would be way too obvious who I get my information from and I'm not out to get anyone I know into trouble). Those who want to listen will. I only jumped into these conversations because I saw this blind when it first came out and I had some info and contacts. *shrugs*

    Now that said here's the thing: THIS particular blind item CANNOT be about anyone except Melissa since it's the ONLY female co-star he was out with that night. So no matter what you want to believe of the rest that has been shared with you, I thought you should at least know that. :)

  52. @annonna, yeah exactly my thoughts. i said to you the 1st time and i will repeat...my opinon on them was only by my own observation and i was actually very surprised that there was never gossip about them because to me was obvious that something something was there. like the curious bunny that i am i went to search more and more and start to find that people know stories and stuff but they dont come out, as we said before. So the things that 'i know' are my own observation and now and again some other thing that comes to my ears from 3rd or even 4th parts that i have to use my common sense to see if make sense or not, and some of them fit what you said before so...its not something out of place and i appreciated that you decided to share some of the things you can.

  53. Annonna1:59 AM

    @Jen: Blind item 4 that JUST came up. lol. And yeah, I'm as surprised as you that Melissa managed to stay out of this as long as she did. There were always whispers, but I mean... this is probably just the start unless she backs out after this week's drama.

  54. why is enty not reveling the name of the costar? and ngl...im betting Melissa too...it all indicates being her...and why does DK humiliates herself so much?girl no man deserve that much. NO.MAN.
    Anon., you were talking about melissa and norman.....any news on that front? now im curious about this.lolol

  55. Norman's reps deny him dating DK after she set him up yet a week later she's spotted in Barcelona with him. I can't imagine Melissa being ok with this. Norman is making a fucking mess of this. DK is so desperate to out them as a couple. She flies all the way to Spain to be with him yet he never flies anywhere for her. The whole time she filmed a movie in Germany, not once did he go there. She's obviously a FB but why the hell is he letting her get away with setting him up & outing them?? He's s damn idiot & Melissa has to end it pronto!

  56. I don't buy this whole "Melissa is fine that Norman is sleeping with DK as long as she keeps her privacy" bullshit. What woman in her right mind wouldn't be jealous that the guy she's been seeing, her best friend no less, is screwing someone else?? I know she & Norman are very close bc I've seen the creeper shots /fan pics of them out together & have heard many times that they spend a lot of time together in Ga while filming TWD. I have no doubts they are more than friends, however how does he start another similar relationship with someone else & Melissa is ok with that?? I know I wouldn't be ok with that if I was Melissa. Even if he doesn't feel the same about DK as he does for Melissa, how does Melissa look the other way?? I don't get this whole situation.

  57. onetimedeal11:32 AM

    There are photos of her ducking out of one or two so it's her. He was really drunk and so were the other guys. If they had anything, it's over. I think it was a one time deal. Good god get over it. they fucked, they are over.

  58. https://www.google.com/search?q=laughing%20gif&tbm=isch
