Monday, February 20, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 28, 2016

At least he didn’t throw it in the trash, but this foreign born former A+ list mostly movie actor did leave an award he was given on a hotel bar when he found a college age student to go back to his hotel room with him. The reason he probably left it is because he was trying to get out of the bar quickly before the woman he originally was going to hook up with got back from the restroom.

Hugh Grant


  1. So, an 'old guy' actor picks up a young woman in a bar.
    I wonder: did he promise to get both women a part in his next movie?

  2. Laura Ramona1:27 AM

    Oh well.. a fan of 22 yo with an old actor? What a news

  3. mariaj1:30 AM

    Never got his appeal, altough, i do enjoy SOME movies of him...but that thin mouth always opened gives me the creep

  4. Anna From Savannah1:51 AM

    Oh how the mighty have fallen! I remember Hugh Grant when he first started making waves. The sky was the limit for him at the time. He was adorable and very quotable. His Golden Globe speech way back when was the funniest I ever heard then or since. Then the prostitute incident happened and he was toast after that. Yes, he made more films but the bloom was off the rose and it started to stink. There is something missing in his life that fame and fortune doesn't give him. Another tragic, sad case of talent gone wasted.

  5. Sd. Auntie2:14 AM

    He wants to add to his baby mama collection!

  6. Debbiedeb6:40 AM

    He is such a douche!!!

  7. Hortensia10:30 AM

    The dance scene in FFJ was fantastic, give him that.

  8. Yeah, weird peeping letterbox mouth
