Thursday, February 09, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 13, 2017

What do you do when you have given a million interviews over what seems like decades and no one cares anymore about what you have to say? You do what this A- list thetan level PR master of an actress does and that is toss in a few explosive names and ideas as well as some subjects that everyone wants to hear about from her but never will because she doesn’t know anything about them. But hey, at least she got the spotlight turned in her direction.

Nicole Kidman (supporting Trump)


  1. Is this really blind item worthy? How do you know, Enty, that she said that to garner publicity? This seems made up.

  2. GoTrollUrSelf1:50 AM

    And still, no one cares.

  3. sandybrook1:50 AM

    Trump, TommyGirl, $cio, Botox etc.

  4. That's rich of her, considering her father had such a deplorable reputation.

  5. AMartel2:53 AM

    I'd be interested to hear what she has to say about Scientology.

  6. I have read that Trump was very popular among Scientology nuts.

  7. AyyyPapi3:57 AM

    A celeb being supportive of Trump is hardly shocking.

    Hollywood really isn't very liberal and there was probably quite a lot of celebs that were supposedly anti-Trump in the build up to election that only claimed to be so for publicity reasons.

  8. RenShaw4:24 AM

    I am very suspicious of these public ant-Trump celebs. I'm inclined to think many of them voted for him but realize it's career suicide to express support for him. I wonder how they really enjoyed Obama constantly dipping into their purses. At least Trump won't and it is money these folks treasure the most.

  9. Good point ren ... They can give as much of their money away as they would like. Truth is, at tax time.. Everybody tries to pay in as little as possible (hence the bazillion itemized 'deductions') or get back as much as possible.

  10. She didn't support trump. She said although he didn't vote for him, he is our president and we have to all come together.

  11. Hortensia10:50 AM

    Being selfish gets the community nowhere. We all go together. Nobody's going alone.
