Friday, February 10, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 3, 2016

This offspring of a permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner is hooking up with a woman who the actor has kept on his payroll for two years as an employee. And by employee, I mean mistress. The offspring has no idea he is playing second fiddle to dad.

Nicolas Cage


  1. sandybrook2:35 AM

    Don't think Nik Cage is a permanent A list movie actor sorry

  2. GoTrollUrSelf2:38 AM

    I agree. He's not A right now, so can't be permanent.

  3. austin2:48 AM

    I think the fact that he's a close relative of Francis Ford Coppola has influenced the decision here.

  4. StewMcG2:57 AM

    Nic's also an Oscar winner and OG Enty used to practically guarantee "permanent A list" status on them.

  5. sandybrook2:59 AM

    The way I read it first was he was the offspring of a permanent A lister, which also is wrong, but Coppola is a permanent A lister.

  6. Melissa3:03 AM

    Honestly the blinds about NC and his son are some of the creepiest on the site.
    Ewe. Just all so gross.

  7. GoTrollUrSelf3:05 AM

    Cuba Gooding had to ruin it for everyone.

  8. austin3:08 AM

    I think you were correct initially. I read "offspring of a permanent A list mostly movie actor" as Nick's son Weston even though Enty gave the actors name rather than his offspring. I hope I'm not confusing things here.

  9. austin3:09 AM

    I know.. his and his son's sex lives seem to overlap a lot.

  10. He knows now, lol

  11. Always thought Nic Cage was off.

    Bought +/-20 homes without a way to pay for any of them.

    Then, he lost them all to foreclosure.

    Fool and his Money...

  12. Anna From Savannah5:02 AM

    Have you ever been walking on a street and looked up to see a man coming toward you and you got instant chills?! Back in '96 this happened to me when I was in San Francisco. The man was, alas, Nick Cage. He was with a tiny Asian lady. I adore his acting, so I don't know why I reacted like I did. Very strange.

  13. AyyyPapi5:08 AM

    The Cages sure love stirring porridge.

  14. information desk7:15 AM

    Nick cage is ff Coppola nephew
