Sunday, February 05, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 26, 2017

This A-/B+list mostly television actress is on a hit network show. Apparently, when she gave an interview yesterday she asked that no questions be asked about her two married co-stars.

Bellamy Young/Scandal


  1. Mollie6:55 AM

    In the what universe is Bellamy Young A-? B- sure but A-? No. The only people that know her name are people that watch Scandal.

  2. Monica Johnson7:38 AM

    Bellamy Young is a C lister at best .

  3. I really like her. I think she makes Scandal.

  4. selina9:24 AM

    one of the reason i quit watching scandal is because of her, her character is sooooo boring, i blame her and that idiot moron show writer , so is she B+ ??? HAHAHAHA LMAO

  5. Anna From Savannah10:38 AM

    There is definitely a down side when you haven't owned a television for decades. You haven't a clue who CDAN is talking about most of the time. This is one of those instances. Haven't a clue who this person is and don't really care.

  6. selina12:56 PM

    @enty, lot's of ppl don't even know her, next time your BI about her should put B-/C. not A- for god sake LMAO

  7. Bubbles7:46 AM

    Outside of this site, who has any suspicion of anything going on between these two that she would need to say she's answering no questions about them?
