Monday, February 06, 2017

Jamie Lynn Spears Watched Daughter Crash

Reports yesterday suggested that Jamie Lynn Spears was not present when her daughter Maddie rolled an ATV and remained submerged under water for several minutes. Jamie was there but was unable to rescue her daughter immediately. Reports by the same outlet also said it was during a hunting trip. That was wrong too and happened in full view of the house. The police report says, the child was apparently steering the Polaris ATV about 100 yards from her parents when she took a hard right to avoid running over a nearby drainage ditch. “In doing so, she over corrected causing the ATV to enter the pond,” the report reads. “The ATV and child were instantly submerged in the water right before their eyes.”

“Within seconds the child’s mother, stepfather and other family members reached the pond, dove in and attempted to rescue the child to no avail. The child was trapped and secured by the seatbelt and the ATV’s safety netting. Within two minutes, Acadian Ambulance Services arrived and assisted in freeing the child from the cold waters.”


  1. Barbara RiceHand10:44 PM

    That is a scary story. Actually this story was the one w the most details. Thank you for that. Poor little girl.

  2. Tricia1311:01 PM

    I have shivers right now-- this is horrific. She is 8 though- I think - 2 years below regulation.... just terrifying... I hope she will be ok

  3. Zilla111:11 PM

    So TMZ really screwed up in reporting this.

    Hope Maddie is ok.

  4. Color Me Confused11:18 PM

    While the family is busy issuing press releases every ten minutes, who the hell is in the hospital room with Maddie?! This family just can't get enough face time in the press. Black List the entire family! The worst.

  5. Anna From Savannah12:12 AM

    There were enough adults present they could have up-ended the ATV and saved her. So many stories.

  6. PICU_RN12:16 AM

    I work at a children's hospital. STOP letting your children drive ATV's. This happens again and again and again.

  7. AppleTartin12:38 AM

    sounds like she will be on the edge for some brain damage. I hope she was able to get air before that. I am not a southern person so I will never understand the allure of ATV. She also had the ATV since she was 7. Just seems irresponsible to me even if they were watching her.

  8. Alabama12:38 AM


  9. Brit Brit12:45 AM

    No, they're not the worst, actually. Not even close

  10. SarahS12:47 AM


  11. Annabelle1:20 AM

    It's like putting your infant in a walker. How many times have babies tumbled down stairs in a walker? Don't do it.

  12. RenShaw1:24 AM

    This specific unit is about 500 pounds. The don't mention how many others were there but three burly guys could have done it however, we don't know how deep it went plus they would have needed a rope or chains for traction to pull it up.

  13. Lurky McLurkster1:51 AM

    Dunno. Definitely on dry land but maybe not on a muddy pond bottom. Also, was he roll bar caught in the mud or rock?

  14. RenShaw2:18 AM

    Does anybody really notice timing during mayhem. Notice the last two sentences. Something is missing. They seem to want to make a correlation between her timing under water and rescue getting there in two minutes. I don't see it. The timing under water is the most critical piece so did the 911 call come in after efforts turned futile or immediately when she went it. With lungs full of water she is most likely on a ventilator and so far, no news.

    I looked up the Polaris ATV for kiddies. The specs read like a regular car with speeds up to 35 mph. Some units as young as 6 but I think Maddie's is 10 minimum. I also checked out a discussion board for parents telling others, "that one is too slow, go with the xyz model." It's nuts.

  15. Long Island Girl2:50 AM

    Lots of contradictions here and everywhere. Someone's trying to cover their ass.
    Prayers to Maddie.

  16. RenShaw5:54 AM

    Good News. As of about 5 PM, tmz reports she is off the ventilator and breathing on her own, talking, and apparently no neuro damages. I hope she asked for pancakes and berries. Thank You Jesus.

  17. texasrose6:06 AM

    Really? That's fantastic! Hope she is ok. Thx Renshaw.

  18. Hot Cola10:25 AM

    I hate safety belts with a passion.
    ( being young, someone I knew burned to death with his seat belt in a car wreck)
