Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Today's Blind Items - Quick Hits

#1 - This A list foreign born author has an OBE and a new book coming out. She is also being openly cheated on by her lover. He knows she won't dump him.

#2 - The married American singer of this foreign band is known around where he lives as the guy who hooks up with the barely coherent drunk and barely legal woman that make their way through the bar where he hangs out.

#3 - Why yes, this B+ list mostly television actress from a middling network show owned by the guy who owns multiple shows in the same family of networks was wasted out of her mind during a recent talk show appearance. She needs help.


  1. MontanaMarriott4:03 AM

    3. Emma Roberts ?

  2. MontanaMarriott4:08 AM

    !. I would have said JK Rowling but she's got a husband not a lover.

  3. Guesser4:24 AM

    #2all of them.

  4. Tricia134:56 AM

    2)Marcus Mumford/Mumford and Sons?

  5. Tricia134:59 AM


  6. StSteven5:05 AM

    2. Win Butler? He has a bit of a rep around here....

  7. 3. Keke Palmer was on the View a few days ago...

  8. trainrides5:46 AM

    1. Kay Mellor if she's A list

  9. Color Me Confused6:52 AM

    Sounds like Kay Ballard to me. You can't take her anywhere!

  10. RenShaw7:36 AM

    1. I only know of EL James and JK Rowlins (shame) and neither is OBE.
    2. No clue.
    3. Ditto

  11. information desk11:00 AM

    Jackie Collins or Joan

  12. RenShaw11:37 AM

    OK, JK did receive an OBE back in 2000.

  13. putin's pretty boyz11:50 AM

    Jackie Collins died years ago! Where the h--- have you been?

  14. She doesn't have a lover though.

  15. Kay Mellor is married and she and her husband celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary this year.

  16. SarahS12:03 AM

    Who the F is Keke Palmer? And why the hell is she constantly mentioned here? She's on Scream Queens, a show that no one watches?? Is that it??

  17. Patricia12:48 AM

    Call #2 for the sex offence that it is, please. If they're "barely coherent drunk" then they aren't legal, no matter what age they are.

  18. longtimereader4:26 AM

    Yup, that makes sense.

  19. riven7:27 PM

    @Patricia ×100000 Thank you for calling this one out.

    Note for the uninformed/unaware/uncertain/misogynists/rape apologists/wrongfully or rightfully accused/trolls/other:

    Yes, this is rape. No one who is "barely coherent drunk" can legally consent to sexual activities. One could argue that if he is also intoxicated he cannot consent either, which could be true if this was a mutual sloppy drunk mistake/sexyfuntime/awkwardturtletime.

    But that isn't the case here. It is the man's premeditated actions, predatory intent, preferred prowling grounds, lying in wait, and his elevated sexual gratification from specifically targeting women who can't legally consent that makes him a rapist and a sexual predator. It is not merely "opportunistic" if you set out with intent to take advantage of intoxicated people, it is sexual predation.

    Final Word: If you can't see the difference between this and someone who just likes to get drunk and have random fun one night stands, consult a lawyer. Or a cop.

  20. riven7:29 PM

    whoops sorry it I fucked this page display up on your phones.
