Monday, February 13, 2017

Your Turn

How would you make award shows shorter?


  1. sandybrook2:02 AM

    Don't give them out during the show, just announce the winners and just do musical acts for 2 hours. Nobody cares about the awards.

  2. Have fewer categories aired -- like the Oscars. Their technical awards are not aired.

  3. GoTrollUrSelf2:06 AM

    I skip them entirely. Saves a lot of time.

  4. sandybrook2:07 AM

    +everything that matters

  5. Lapsed Lurker2:09 AM

    Have the person announcing the award throw it, bridal bouquet style, at the nominees. The winner is the one who comes away with the award. The losers are fed to a pack of rabid koalas. I don't know if it would actually shorten the show, but it would be much more entertaining.

  6. mariaj2:10 AM

    Cutting a LOT of categories..i mean , just to make one example" Best Urban Contemporary Album"? Who cares?

  7. Lurky McLurkster2:20 AM

    Don't let Beyonce do 10 minutes of crap

  8. AndrewBW2:21 AM

    The biggest problem is the proliferation of actual awards shows, most of which are completely irrelevant and held merely to publicize this or that organization or publication. I wouldn't mind the Oscars or the Emmys or the Grammys running long* if it weren't for the fact that there's an award show on just about every other week. It's completely diluted the field.

    And after that, get rid of a lot of the useless categories.

    * That is, if I actually watched any awards shows any more.

  9. BrunoMarsForAllTheAwards3:01 AM

    Eliminate speeches. Limit musical performances to 3 minutes, unless it's Bruno Mars doing Prince. Minimize self-aggrandizing by the host. Limit that stuff.

  10. Barbara RiceHand3:07 AM

    Yeah about Beyoncé. Don't let her perform 15 minutes of crap that no one understands. She's crazy. On top of that, cutting off Adele so solange can talk. Uh. Ok.

  11. Verbal Kint3:22 AM

    I don't watch. The next day I look at fashions and view videos I wanted to see.

  12. Mop top3:24 AM

    Cancel them. Nobody cares, and they're rigged. These type shows are irrelevant now.

  13. Honey bunny3:29 AM

    I do. Seeing how its my kind of music.

  14. AMartel3:31 AM

    Second all the comments about NOT having the show. Barring that, eliminate acceptance speeches. We'll just assume that you're thankful for the award and have a lot else to be thankful for and that there are a lot of people that you will be thanking later. It will be implied.

  15. I'm on the same bandwagon as don't televise the awards.

  16. Just do the introduction and then...goodbye!!!

  17. Dannette6:20 AM

    They would be improved if they were just a press release that the cough cough media dutifully reported. Beyonce is serious I guess about her earth mother interpretive dancing/steaming pile, so she for instance would have to gaze at her incomparable navel in private.

  18. Artpunk6:23 AM

    Nix the ceremony.

  19. Scandi Sanskrit11:03 AM

    By not paying them any attention and dedicating all my attention to real-life political elections instead. The lower the ratings, the less advertisers, the faster they just go away altogether. LMAO.

  20. Scandi Sanskrit11:09 AM

    The media never "dutifully report" the truth even when it's right in front of them. Plus, you have no control how they might twist your words (you're better off using social media where you can use your own words as you originally intended them). Which is why I had a panic yesterday when I was in a press room and I dashed out in a panic attack (good thing I had a perfectly good excuse to excuse myself: being on time for the main event).

  21. marlo6:27 PM

    Host the award shows in nice tolerant and open minded places such as Iran, Pakistan, Somalia or Gaza.
    They'll last 5 minutes top -------- *BOOM*
