Friday, February 17, 2017

Your Turn

What is more important in a partner-  Looks or personality?


  1. Hothotheat2:07 AM

    Ultimately, personality but looks are what draws me in. However, if you're an asshole, It doesn't matter what you look like.

  2. Personality

  3. Brooklyn Girl2:35 AM

    Personality for sure, but, sense of humor is a big part of that.
    A man who makes me laugh is sexier than anything.

  4. Laura Ramona2:51 AM

    Relationship? Personality of course but nobody can sleep with an ugly face or body. I challenge you to do it.

  5. GoTrollUrSelf2:57 AM

    Time passes, looks fade - but assholes are forever.

  6. David Brown3:26 AM

    No assholes aren't forever. That is why there are colonoscopy bags!

  7. Chinese Drywall3:30 AM


  8. personality & a sense of humor (not short, nice athletic body, good skin, no cauliflower shape of nose, no weak chin, nice teeth, no-no a close set of beady eyes, no falsetto voce)....

  9. Jennifer8:18 AM

    Looks because they all become annoying in the end so I might as well have something pretty to look at. Once he moves in the burping/farting and general slobbery takes it's toll.

  10. I think you've been in Hollyweird too long, Enty. NOBODY over the age of 20 in the real world thinks looks are the most important thing.

  11. Hah! Happens all the time.

  12. NoseyNeighbor4:57 PM

    Both are important.

  13. Scandi Sanskrit6:51 PM

    Well, IDK how to answer this. I have a very particular type (tall, brunet, cute nose—once I made an exception for a tall blond guy but only because he had a very cute nose) and I don't fall in love easily. But if you're a dumbass or a jerk, I'll fall out of love pretty quickly.

    The older I get, the less tolerance I have for people with bad personalities. You'd be surprised that a person who came off very physically attractive can look increasingly unattractive (probably just in my head) the more I'm exposed to their bad personality, dumbassery, selfishness, or whatever else dries up my pussy.

  14. Hot Cola4:05 AM

    The plain truth.

  15. Hot Cola4:06 AM

    Can't fuck a personality and can't live longer with a dumb-as-a box-of rocks, mean, whiny, looser.
