Monday, February 27, 2017

Your Turn

Would you like the Oscars shorter or you really don't care since it is once a year?


  1. sandybrook2:06 AM

    Don't care because I don't watch it anymore, it just got too boring to sit through.

  2. I, too, Sandybrook. Don't watch.

  3. Lurky McLurkster2:20 AM

    Don't watch it so I don't care

  4. Nancy2:21 AM

    Don't care, I stopped watching all award shows, they have become too political. All the actors/actresses live in a bubble, and they think their opinions actually matter. They are here to entertain, not go on political rants. Funny part is they all try to act all high and mighty, yet mostly 98% of them have skeletons in their closets that I'm sure they would mortified to get out. I have to laugh when they start bashing politicians, when they are just as bad!

  5. JustReading2:22 AM

    I don't watch, but I think it's unfair that people who get pre-Oscar awards (the casting people, etc.) are treated like an afterthought.
    Do we really need production numbers anymore? I don't. More winners, less filler, I guess.

  6. JustReading2:23 AM

    Well, that started in 1973 with Brando. It's not new.

  7. Zilla12:29 AM

    I only watch for the In Memoriam. It would be nice to know when in the cast they will play it, but whatever. Sometimes I will watch if there is a movie or actor I am rooting for.

    But I would bet if they took a poll of the audience and asked them if they would like a show that was strictly awards, In Memoriam, honorary awards or tributes and no stupid ass sketches or bits, and where the Nominated Songs were reduced to snippets played for each song as the award was being presented...the response would overwhelmingly be YES PLEASE.

    There is just no good reason for the show to be that effing long.

  8. Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley2:56 AM

    I usually prefer things longer, except when we're talking about Wolf Blitzer's schlong.

  9. Award shows are dumb and 'look' fixed. So, no more for me.

    Anyway, I had given up on "The Walking dead" until a read just where the Comic Book goes.
    (I can't stand shows (Films/TV) that imply the citizens are too weak to stand up to one (small group of) bad guy(s)).

    Love the fact that Eugene was brought to the Saviors and (acting like he is truly petrified of Negan) I think he is about to reveal himself to be the truly bad guy in taking over the Saviors from Negan.

    Just my two cents.


  10. SheenaBeena3:58 AM

    It was fine. For those of us still loving the movies and the award shows, last night was a great show until the obvious conclusion.

  11. Zilla14:05 AM

    The broadcast definitely would have been better off without the political BS, but that's why God invented the mute button and/or other channels.

    I do still love the movies, award shows not so much. Last night, meh. Apparently the ratings reflect that. Theywent down from last year.

  12. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:47 AM

    I do not watch, it ends at about one hour before I have to get up early here in Europe, but I regret having missed it this year: watching all those liberals screwing up the awards and celebrity deaths must have been something epic. They lost the chance to blame Trump, Russia, or whatever for their own stupidity, and then saying that they are the best and do everything well.

  13. Miss Cleo5:40 AM

    I hope you all learn to become "political" when someone who will remain un-named (not Negan) takes your disability/social security checks! Who else can afford to spend all day on a blog rant?

  14. Sd auntie7:15 AM

    Enjoyed the Oscars and really if you do not want to hear what they have to say, watch some crapola reality show. Good escape from the nightmare thats a coming.

  15. Haven't watched in years, and likely, never will again. Hollywood hasn't made really good movies in years - they're either mindless comic books, or such marginalizd subject matter that it's impossible to sustain interest. Couple that with the extreme far left agenda these people seemed determined to ram down our throats, and it's obvious why no one watches anymore. Show business people have always been left of center, but in the past, actors expressed those opinions away from their place of business. Awards were about honoring the work, not pushing an agenda.

  16. Scandi Sanskrit11:16 AM

    I don't care either way, Enty. None of this really pertains to me (like: I know I'm just destined to be and chose to be a low-key/non-mainstream actress—I'm not even known locally where I live, no interest in that level of fame/that lifestyle, but sometimes I can feel happy for people like if the makeup/hair people from "Suicide Squad" win). It's not like how political elections can impact everyone (even of foreign governments you have no voting rights for, because at least the change of foreign policy can affect anyone).

    I was watching Al-Jazeera News yesterday (about some gaffe) and some actress in her acceptance speech actually said, "there is no other profession [apart from acting] that celebrates life" (or something along those lines). And I literally shreaked, "what? That's not true!" out loud. I couldn't stand two hours having to watch that level of self-importance. It would drive me nuts. These awards shows bring out the worst in me because of how illogical everything seems, like with the Emmy's I couldn't stand how Cousin Violet got an acting award because she got all the best lines—not that acting is a measurable art form you can even grant awards for anyway. To me, if I'm part of a series of skits and I get assigned a good punchline, it's 'lucky'. You shouldn't get awarded for being lucky. Luck is the award.

  17. marlo1:31 AM

    What Nancy said.

    Also would like to add: it's a bit hypocritical to expect us common ordinary plebs to watch and celebrate, a bunch of overpaid, undereducated, sanctimonious assholes, who hate us, insult us and think they're above us, hand each other trophies, for who is the 'nicest', and then fuck off back to their walled-in mansions, escorted by poorly paid armed security. Kinda vomitose.
