Monday, February 06, 2017

Your Turn

Favorite commercial from last night


  1. GoTrollUrSelf4:04 AM

    Might have been 84 Lumber if I'd been permitted to see it on television.

  2. TomBrady4:16 AM

    The talking yearbook photos.

  3. Barbara RiceHand4:36 AM

    I didn't like any of them. No comedy commercials like everyone anticipates. That's why most people watch the show.

    How far can you push someone before they snap.

  4. Barbara RiceHand4:37 AM

    I mean. No one was fighting for Muslim rights in December.

  5. sandybrook4:43 AM

    Not the one with Biebs and Gronk. Maybe the one about Mr. Busch coming to America from Germany.

  6. Lurky McLurkster4:55 AM

    The air freshener one was amusing. I have no patience with politics being in my Super Bowl

  7. Because in December, they had their full rights.

  8. Zilla17:34 AM

    Walken for the win, as always.

  9. I have a PVR. I haven't watched a commercial in three years.

    Ah, the Super Bowl. Nope, didn't watch that either.

  10. Hortensia8:48 AM

    Thank you Norm!

  11. rob horine8:53 AM

    The Skittles ad. Simple, funny and NON-POLITICAL!

  12. Hot Cola12:12 PM

    Do no. Watched it on a Canadian satellite and they sure do eat a lot of Subway and drive Nissan's.

  13. marlo5:25 PM

    Oh Norm.....if Muslim women and children only had HALF as many rights in their own countries, as they do in waycist America, ey?

    And gays!! Don't forget them, snowflake. ;)

  14. Hey at least we don't elect Rapists as our leaders and makes excuses to bomb other nations and claim moral highground. Piss of triggered right wing snowflake. It wasn't that long ago that gays were being killed by fantatical white extermists either. You have to be the most triggered person ever, everytime i have seen you comment its always been you getting triggered by the word muslim. Truly are a sad individual that you would support agent orange suicdal brannon who wants to rip america and build it up again. An unvetted alt right nazi lover as chief strategist of the white house what could go wrong?

    Anyways, apart from dealling typical bullshit from trolls who clearly have no lives, the half time performance was amazing but nothing comes close to MJ. I liked the budwiser commericial i thought it was beautiful.
