Sunday, March 19, 2017

Beauty And The Beast Opens With $170M Weekend

Disney's live-action "Beauty" was a beast at the box office, opening with an estimated $170 million in North American ticket sales and setting a new high mark for family movies.

"Beauty and the Beast" blew past the previous record-holder for G- or PG-rated releases, according to studio estimates Sunday. Last year, Disney's "Finding Dory" debuted with a then-PG-best $135 million.

"Beauty and the Beast" felled many other records, too. It's the year's top opening so far and a new best for March releases, and it ranks seventh all-time, not accounting for inflation.

The film, made for about $160 million, is the latest effort by Disney to re-create one of its animated classics with live action and digital effects. The makeover of the 1991 Oscar-winning film follows previous live-action remakes such as "Alice in Wonderland," ''Cinderella," ''Maleficent" and last year's "The Jungle Book." Many more are on the way, too, including those for "Dumbo," ''Mulan," ''Aladdin" and "The Lion King."

"Nostalgia is a very powerful driver for these films," said Dave Hollis, head of distribution for Disney. "What's exciting here is there is an opportunity to see these beloved stories in a way that's never been seen before, but you get to build that on the foundation of something that's very familiar.

It took in $180 million overseas, including $44.8 million in China, Disney said.


  1. SarahS11:30 PM

    And you thought Emma was intolerable before....

  2. Disney apparently had spies at IMDb scrub any negative reviews from users. Even though the remake got mixed reviews, it pales in comparison to its cartoon original.

  3. The movie is excellent. This is the only place I've ever read anything about Emma's supposed intolerable nature. Consider the source.

  4. We saw it Friday and I thought it was absolutely beautiful. My kids liked it so much they asked their Father to take them again on Saturday.

  5. MontanaMarriott12:16 AM

    Sequel in 5.......4...................3........

  6. Udsctb12:18 AM

    Saw it, loved it, plan to see it again.

  7. HH3142:57 AM

    The movie was very good. Emma Watson was OK and bland, per usual

  8. Birdy4:29 AM

    The first Disney movie to include a canon gay character. Thumbs up to disney, they have been a very lgbt friendly company. I'm going to see it this weekend to support lafoe!!!!!!!Lol.

  9. I wonder what the list would be if inflation were factored in? Is that an impossible stat to come up with? I'm not a math wiz, I sincerely wonder.

  10. I for one wish they'd report number of tickets sold, rather than box office, in part for that very reason.

  11. trevor12:15 PM

    Box office mojo has an inflation adjusted list.

  12. My youngest daughter is a hardcore gay rights activist. She is 11 and hates all things princess. As soon as she heard that theaters were banning for an openly gay moment, she had to see it opening day.

  13. marlo9:07 PM

    Mo - your daughter doesn't sound irritating at all.....let me guess, her aspirations include going to a university that has gender neutral toilets? Oh to be young and dumb again....

    Reminds me of this funny story: my son (not a brainwashed 'activist' but a real and proper K-I-D, who does *gasp* KID stuff) had this little friend years ago, we had playdates together. Her very champagne socialist parents, who had brainwashed her from birth about 'activism' loved to parade their mini social justice warrior around like a trophy, total narcissists.

    Anyway, one day her mother came to pick her up after a play date (they were 6!) at my house, and she started talking about the homeless guy who was selling the Big Issue in front of our local supermarket (she didn't even know his name, but *gasp* I did: Colin).
    Anyway, her mini SJW immediately jumped in reciting a lengthy list of buzzwords that had been fed to her since birth, such as justice, equal opportunity, social equality, fairness, and whatnot. I was amused, my son was confused. I bet she did not even understand half the stuff that was drummed into her.
    So her mother, grand SJW that she is, looked at my garden, and said 'why don't you come over and help Mrs 'Marlo' clean the garden, then she will give you some money and you can give it to the poor homeless man?'
    So her amazing not-such-a-mini-me turned around and said to her "but Mummy, wouldn't it be easier if the homeless man cleaned up Mrs 'Marlo's' garden and she paid him the money herself?"


    That 6 year old had already more brains in her tiny head, than both of her grown arse parents combined. I laughed so hard, there was never a play date again, but the young girl still says hello to me whenever we see each other in our neighbourhood. She's great.

    STOP BRAINWASHING CHILDREN - is the moral of this story.

  14. Marlo needs Dick3:29 AM

    Marlo douche your vagina and let some of the bitterness and pent up anger flow out. It's not healthy to be such a grotesque human being.

  15. Alice4:56 AM

    Marlo's husband is taking another trip to Dubai for the protitutes whose private parts don't smell like vinegar and rotten fish(like Marlo's do) Marlo pay attention to your husband and stop barfing shit out of your ugly shithole of a mouth .

  16. Annabelle7:11 AM

    @marlo. In case you didn't know it you are the new derrick on this site. Inserting your asinine opinions into people's comments when nobody asked you for your fascist,xenophobic and islamaphobic right wing thoughts. We are all here to have fun and read gossip. If you want to be an ahole there are plenty of political sites where you can continually engage in your singular brand of idiocy. Stop trolling and spewing crap or you will get trolled yourself. You're ruining the fun just like derrick used to.

  17. 1. My hubby doesn't go to Dubai - he hates Muslim inbred scum at least as much as I do, especially Dubai, built on slavery and the prostitution of the west for petrodollars

    2. Hey, Mo started with his 11 year old SJW daughter, so I just replied. That's what I do: I REPLY to incessant virtue signalling by inbreds, so self absorbed, they think it's cool to have an 11 year 'hardcore activist' child, when I think it's total brainwashing, Hitler-youth and Hamas-terrorist-summer-camp style.
    Leave the kids the fuck alone, you libtards!
    I can play nice, I can talk about celebrities, just don't start with your shite, and you won't get mine, got it?

    3. Nobody's forcing any of you 'tards to read my posts. You can stomp your little feet, and punch the air around you with your little fists, but the wind of change has finally come: it is YOUR bullshit that will not be tolerated any longer. 11 year old HARDCORE ACTIVIST? HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAH (breath) HAHAHAHAHA

    And I'm not supposed to respond to this stupidity?
    Free speech from the tolerant liberal bunch, ey?

  18. Simmer down2:57 AM

    Marlo take your xanax and take a nap please. Weirdo.
