Saturday, March 11, 2017

Blind Item #2

This A-/B+ list mostly movie actress married to an A lister once threatened to sue a tabloid that claimed she had multiple nannies. Our actress said she had none. It turns out the actress has way more than one but won't ever admit it.


  1. sandybrook1:17 AM

    Blake not so Lively

  2. Hollywood molesters1:50 AM

    Friend of Swift. Concerned only with image not reality. Same as all of that fake crew.

  3. They are NOT nannies.
    They are personal assistants who help her with her child's needs.

  4. information desk4:23 AM

    Going Mila kunis here

  5. Roman Polanski4:29 AM

    Too old. Perchance, is Lorde still knocking around with the Swiftmeister?

  6. Georgia4:32 AM

    Blake Lively.
    Pics of her nanny here
    and she was behind her an Ryan in the 'candids' of last week:

  7. Georgia5:07 AM

    Blake Lively.
    My previous comment is awaiting moderation...I think it's bc I added some pic links.
    Anyway, Lively. Pics of her with the nanny on bellazon or on some fan website of her. The nanny was also behind her and Ryan in the 'candids' of the family from last week.

  8. rtsew7:41 AM

    If I had kids, you bet your butt I'd hire a nanny or twelve. I'm babysitting my three year old nephew right now and I'm thinking seriously about calling FEMA, He refuses to eat anything put in front of him and my apartment looks like a gang of burglars has ransacked it. He threw my remote control behind the sofa and I'm not strong enough to move it.

  9. CZJ & Michael Douglas

  10. Apparently, you didn't "toddler proof" your house!


    (I know - not funny. But since I've been there with my own 2 (now grown) children, i feel for you.)

  11. Could they just be Mila's extended family?

    Their parents, Ashton's siblings, and her brother.

    Plus she does have several "assistants" on speed dial.

    So, technically, they are NOT nannies.


  12. HippieChic3:33 AM

    Lmao@David! That 1st comment is Hilarious.. Why do they think having a nanny is so horrible? Or multiple nannies? Trust I was like a walking Zombie when I had my baby and I Tell Ya~ I woulda been CooL with Some HeLP. I just Don't Like when they Have a Surrogate and HIDE that FACT and then 2 weeks post birth they have their Skinny Figure Back. That, to Me, is Very Irresponsible because some women then think if that 1 can do it then I can. These women end up putting themselves at risk for Very Bad Emotional Feelings / Unrealistic Weight loss Goals and Eating Disorders.. Not 2 Mention the Men thinking it's Possible 4 their woman to get back lickity Split!
