Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Blind Item #5

This permanent A+ list super model is telling friends she only wants to date men who are no longer able to have sex because she is tired of all the cheating she has dealt with in her life.


  1. Tricia1312:48 AM

    Christy Brinkley

  2. Scandi Sanskrit1:02 AM

    This would be me (if I were a permanent A+ list supermodel).

    Infertile men are good too.

  3. MontanaMarriott1:11 AM

    And to add insult to injury most of these guys will cheat with something far uglier and/or no where near as attractive as what they are married to, SMDH

  4. Frank1:22 AM

    Has she considered the bearding route? There are a few older closet guys out there I'm sure

  5. David Brown1:26 AM

    You assume that the supermodel is an innocent party. I've known a few models, no supermodels, and on balance they were amongst the most self absorbed and superficial people I've ever met. There are many models who are bright wonderful people but any business that requires zero education and is all about you, you, you, also attracts a disproportionate number of relationship disasters.

  6. nancer2:33 AM

    she should talk to jerry hall. that's what she did. find a very rich, impotent old man and latch on.

  7. Hothotheat3:00 AM

    I don't think Brinkley needs the money like Jerry, also she's more down to earth than Jerry.

  8. IDontKnowHer6:07 AM

    She had her own money to walk. She never had to put up with cheating. I find her insufferable.

  9. dianavonthirstybird7:01 AM

    Just to be different, Naomi Campbell.

  10. Why=???12:43 PM

    Why does she think if he can't have sex, he won't cheat???

  11. Hortensia1:11 PM

    Well, if he can't get it up, then "cheating" is not so devastating.
    I'd like to get a gig like Jerry Hall. She sure looks happy!
