Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Blind Item #6

The rapper/horrible businessman/don't give him a loan was at it again this past weekend. Not only did he blow through the money he was paid, he also blew threw an additional $50K which he had to have wired to the hotel where he was staying. The money in the wire came from his girlfriend.


  1. Tricia131:01 AM


  2. ......1:10 AM

    50 Cent

  3. uh huh1:41 AM

    I hope this is Tyga with the Ktrash having to pay for it

  4. Yenta2:30 AM

    It's Tyga. God help him if Kylie dumps him for real and he's cut off financially. At least she had the good sense to get an abortion when he got her preggs.

  5. longtimereader2:37 AM

    A rapper from the mc hammer school of money management.

  6. God it would be so cool if he ran that well dry!

  7. dianavonthirstybird4:45 AM

    The celebrity couple I would sell my Soul to see: Tyga & the Cash Me Outside Girl!!!! Talk about a reality show!!!! Bring it on!!!

  8. Darling..... NO!11:45 AM

    Kanye and Zzzzzzzzzzzz.........?

  9. dianavonthirstybird12:23 PM

    Just watched the first three episodes of the new Season 13 KUWTKs. They peaked with #2 when Kim is robbed in Paris. Now everything will be down hill until Kanye has his nervous breakdown. And, let's face it, who the hell cares? Kris looks bored to death. Her 'boyfriend' is handling security, Ken-doll is being stalked and she feels sorry for him, Caitlin is getting older and scarier by the minute. Khloe is looking like a plastic sex doll. It is a royal mess! This HAS to be their LAST season, right? Please tell me this is the LAST!!! Argggg.

  10. SnarkIsFun12:48 PM

    I miss February.
