Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Blind Item #7

This permanent A list television actress was recently ticked off when one of her former tv children seemed like she was too good to do a reboot. The permanent A lister called the one bad week away from having no career former actress and put her in her place.


  1. Tricia131:33 AM

    Phylicia Rashad/Raven Simone?

  2. MontanaMarriott1:34 AM

    Permanent A list TV Mom?!? Dang this could be anyone, Meredith Baxter, Valerie Harper, Shirley Jones, Phycia Rashad, etc

  3. Tricia131:43 AM

    Actually Keshia Knight Pulliam/Rashad I think....she had a bad year(divorce/cheating rumors)

  4. Hi, I usually just read these and don't contribute, but hyphens are your friends.
    "one bad week away from having no career former actress" if you want me to read and understand this as one idea try "one-bad-week-away-from-having-no-career former actress."

  5. just sayin'2:01 AM

    a reboot of the cosby show? really? seems inappropriate at this time.

  6. Lurky McLurkster2:24 AM

    Katey Segal should be in that list

  7. sandybrook2:25 AM

    Katey Segal\Christina Applegate?

  8. sandybrook2:26 AM

    Ah you just beat me to her Lurky

  9. Guesser3:12 AM

    Only if the dad is dead. Usually these shows would be about one of the kids families.

  10. Hothotheat3:14 AM

    That I can recall, Valerie Harper only had sons her show, Jones and Baxter-Birney both had actress "children" who quit the business long ago for good reason. I think this is Katey Segal.

  11. Juank5:50 AM

    Roseanne and Sara Gilbert.

  12. Bob Smith5:57 AM

    Meredith Baxter and Justine Bateman..........wasn't Malary unimpressed with a recent Today show regrouping???

  13. Zilla19:29 AM

    Not Roseanne. I follow her on Twitter and she is very much invested in her current low-key, low-stress Hawaiian lifestyle.

    Someone asked her if she would ever go back to doing TV and she said she would not be able to handle the daily stress of dealing with network execs and the like..she never wants to put herself through that again

  14. Context, grammar, syntax...all of these things mean nothing to the Enties.
