Friday, March 24, 2017

Blind Item #8

There is a guy in her life other than her husband so everyone wants to know if this B+ list mostly movie actress is pregnant, is it the other guy or the A list actor husband who is the father?


  1. Tricia131:46 AM

    Jen Garner

  2. Duh. That Garner lady.

  3. You are always so fast! AND accurate...

  4. Alice1:55 AM

    she's pregnant? Matt Damon won't approve.

  5. Tricia131:58 AM

    Thx @Norm ... not always-- but Enty seems to love this narrative /Garner preggo thing around a lot!;love it by the way-Garner lady lol

  6. Guesser2:00 AM

    This sounds like it was made up from my comment in the blind about her weight gain maybe pregnant.

  7. They're all made up.

  8. austin2:44 AM

    +1 and it helps because I don't have the patience to wait for reveals :)

  9. dianavonthirstybird2:47 AM

    If this is real, all the tabloids will headline: Jen and Ben Having Baby To Save Marriage. This goes all the way back to the 50s! Debbie & Eddie Hope New Baby Saves Marriage. Poor kid! What a family to be born into.

  10. The tabloids have been claiming that she's pregnant for the last five years.

  11. Sadie3:43 AM

    If Garner is pregnant, she is far too calculating and savvy to have it be anybody other than Affleck. Enty's really got it in for her, doesn't he?

  12. masterblaster3:53 AM

    agreed. ben affleck for in-limbo husband & her other dude on the side. I bet its his baby.

    jen garner is such a trap-him-keep-him type. she's the poke holes in a condom type.

  13. Star*ucks12:14 AM

    No they are seperated and she has been seeing some producer type on the side and let's face it ben never stopped seeing other women
