Thursday, March 09, 2017

Blind Item #9

Walking in on her husband mid thrust with another woman finally has made this A- list singer we all love to see the light. I think all of us could have told her before they got married that her husband was a cheating dirt bag of scum. In fact, I think we all kind of did.


  1. sandybrook2:51 AM

    I love a female singer today?

  2. JustReading2:52 AM

    Kelly Clarkson
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  3. Tricia132:53 AM

    Kelly Clarkson

  4. sandybrook2:56 AM

    I suppose this is Kelly Clarkson?

  5. Ms. Anne Thrope3:04 AM

    Kelly, Gurl. Dump that cheating douche. I hope she has a good prenup.

  6. LucidDreams3:10 AM

    Isnt this the man she wtote the song about how he taught her to love and trust again?

  7. Gator girl3:13 AM

    So sad and she just had another baby with him. Hopefully Reba tells him how disappointed she is and Kelly never speaks to him again.

  8. Oh please Kelly knew he was a dirtbag. She got her standard two kids now she can move on.

  9. Guesser4:49 AM

    Kelly is not dumb. I don't know her reasons, but she married him anyway. Hope he is a better Father than husband.

  10. Alice8:03 AM

    Reba better not defend him.

  11. information desk8:54 AM

    Reba divorced his dad so I'm sure Kelly has a red headed shoulder to lean on

  12. I always got the lesbian vibe from Kelly. I've always loved her, but I just won't be able to understand her if this blind is true and if she stays. And, side note walked in mid thrust .. where?! Their home?!

  13. Reba and Brandon's daddy were both married to other people when they first got together. She's got no room to talk.

  14. Truther12:41 PM

    How many time did he walk in on her "mid-binge"? I doubt he signed up for a marriage with a 300 pounder. And don't give me the pregnancy excuse - momma was eating for two long before and after the first kid.
