Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Blind Item #9

This A- list mostly television actress does most of her acting in this second city. She was supposedly dating a tool of an actor/director who is a tool. Anyway, apparently this weekend she cheated on the tool with this former network actor from a long running hit show who has now moved to movies. Oh, and that long running show was based on a movie.


  1. sandybrook2:52 AM

    Alison Brie\Dave Franco the tool and???

  2. sandybrook2:56 AM

    James Marsters?

  3. Malone DB3:18 AM

    Sophia Bush (Chicago is Second city) and Taylor Kitsch (Friday Night Lights is network)

  4. Tricia133:55 AM

    Tool is Peter Berg I think.

  5. Who is Sophia Bush dating that's a tool? Otherwise I would say it fits. Her and Taylor Kitsch were at the same party this weekend.

  6. information desk9:25 AM

    I thought Taylor kitsch and Peter berg were an onset couple. Why they always doing movies together

  7. Ever Duchovny10:06 AM

    Speaking of tools...Matt Perry better get back on the wagon. He was EMBARRASSINGLY DRUNK on last Sunday's "The Good Fight". Yeeks...I was mortified for him.

  8. hunter11:50 AM

    Isn't that a scripted show? I didn't see it but how do you know he wasn't acting?

    I saw Michelle Williams f'ed up on drugs BIG TIME at a show here on Broadway - she nailed all her lines but she was fuuuuccckkkeddd up, so I'm ready as anyone to believe it.

  9. CheeseFries1:13 PM

    I like the Bush/Berg/Kitsch guess

  10. Don't forget about Cusack

  11. longtimereader2:02 AM

    Previous blind about him being a tool with michael bay. Now THAT'S a tool shed. Unlike bay, he makes good movies plus i remember 30 something.

  12. shakey5:11 AM

    Toronto has a Second City as well, but Toronto doesn't have a show (or multiple shows) named after it.

  13. Malone DB5:37 AM

    @shakey yes Toronto has a second city troupe, but Chicago IS the second city, a nickname used by New York journalists in the 1950's as a dig at how Chicago was second best. :-)

  14. Sarah8:06 PM

    Sophia Bush with Taylor Kitsch.
    Since a few weeks there is this rumor she's dating zach braff.
    Her and Kitsch were together this weekend to celebrate Connie Brinton birthday.

  15. CDAN is now taking things right from social media and creating stories. Gettin lazy

  16. shakey9:50 AM

    I did not know that. Thank you, Malone!
