Monday, March 06, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 24, 2017

This former B+ list mostly movie actress who has all but disappeared since hooking up with this foreign born A+ list actor had a dress made for the Oscars. If she came though, then our actor couldn’t hook up with who he wanted so she is being forced to stay at home.

Eva Mendes/Ryan Gosling


  1. mariaj12:31 AM

    He just does what his partner allows him to acts..i have no sympathy for neither

  2. Is he really hooking up with Emma? Just can't see that....This makes me sad.

  3. If Stone is hooking up with him, she'll lose all the good will that she still had (after throwing Warren Beatty under the bus).

  4. WhoWhat12:53 AM

    According to another blind he hooked up with a Filipino transsexual he just met that night. So what about the woman in this blind he planned to hook up with? Unless they had a three way both blinds aren't possible.

  5. RenShaw12:57 AM

    This is what happens when you make babies with unattainable and controlling men. She should have gone the Selma and January route. Daddy doesn't get to call the shots for the women, specially when they are single. Or should have gone to a sperm bank for the tall, dark, handsome, profile with IQ over 200 type; not Ryan.

  6. SarahS12:58 AM

    Thats so depressing

  7. RenShaw12:59 AM

    I missed that. What did Emma say. I can't figure out how he ended up with an already open envelope which announced Emma as the winner.

  8. Sd auntie1:07 AM

    No Emma for him. Exotical she males i guess.

  9. There were two sets of envelopes, he got the 2nd one

  10. Sadie1:13 AM

    She insinuated Beatty was lying. There were 2 envelopes with the winners for each category (one serving as backup just in case). The goofy, distracted accountant gave Beatty the backup Best Actress envelope instead of the Best Picture envelope. Of course if he had any sense, he would have announced he had the wrong envelope instead of passing the buck to Dunaway.

  11. Sarah1:27 AM

    Everything I read about him makes me not like him.

    He seems as jerky as Ryan Reynolds.

    I guess they are all asswipes.

  12. Guesser1:36 AM

    I think Reynolds has his match. I think they are both vain, shallow, ambitious, thirsty, so I think they have goals of being a power couple. Gosling, on the other hand, only elevates himself.

  13. texasrose2:07 AM

    Just because Mendes may well have opted for a private nonhollywood life with her child apparently means the gossip world has to come up with wild gossip about why she isn't seen out and about doing the hollywood thing. But then again maybe he has her imprisoned in a dungeon somewhere.

  14. SmellyBum2:23 AM

    Isn't Gosling into men?

  15. Jessica2:25 AM

    The usual gossip is she wants to be a big hollywood power couple, with VF covers together and he doesn't.

  16. SkittleKitty2:25 AM

    I read that there are two sets of envelopes--one for each backstage area (right and left). That way the location of the envelopes does not dictate which side the presenters can enter from and no one has to 'run' the envelopes back and forth, etc. (Plus, the more hands the envelopes pass through, the more opportunity for doubt / fraud, etc. in the result.) Two accountants: One for each set of envelopes.
    Maybe this isn't the case, but it makes sense to me. And yes, one of the accountants (the male) was an idiot and was tweeting throughout the ceremony; he was to blame for the incorrect envelope.

  17. Marianne2:37 AM

    Well maybe next year if there is a next year...she'll know better and have a back up dress, just in case she reads CDCN..Eva needs a new MO.

  18. lalalla2:57 AM

    it takes two for a power couple: where's her part of "power"? her clothing line (or was it makeup? or turbans? LOL)
    I think he loves her but it wasnt meant to be serious and he deeply regrets having a non planned baby with her and the the second baby planned to somehow try and give some sense to his already fucked up life. She on the other hand had and still has some serious substance abuse issues and ain't easy.

  19. Why do people like him? He and Reynolds are the same person. I don't find either attractive and their personalities are awful. I can't with the male nose job. Eva was so much better off without him. She should go back to that older director she was with years ago. That seemed like the best fit for her. PS use thirsty, it's the perfect word to describe these tools.

  20. @Renshaw
    LOL,it helps that maybe even January doesn't know who knocked her up.

  21. JustReading4:54 AM

    Good point.

  22. BETTY BOTOX5:03 AM

    Am I nuts? Didn't he take his sister to the Oscars? Isn't he Mormon? Is that pronounced more-men?

  23. rg looks like cat's/knitting lady w/ biceps...

  24. Sperm banks don't pay child support though...

  25. RenShaw10:43 AM

    Hey you guys, thanks. Now it makes sense. And yes, the guy was texting or twittering or whatever.

  26. information desk7:07 PM

    Aaannddd just like that gosling was "surprise papped " taking Eva out for a birthday dinner but you only see her from behind
    Wah wah wah

  27. BOOhoo9:15 PM

    I don't feel sorry for her, she wanted it...and she got it.

  28. CryABee4:03 AM

    @bohoo So did he and who cares what you feel sorry about? ;)

  29. CryABee4:30 AM

    So I guess this is where all Goslings stans go to feel vindicated in their hatred of his cuban girlfiend. I wasn't aware she was expected to attend a ceremony with him. She didn't attend last year when he was nominated for The Big Short and has only walked a red carpet with him for a movie she was directly involved in. So why the convenient excuse for something that in logic wasn't to be expected. Or is this something for the hopeless women and gay men to bitch about. Also people ignore that these blinds never coincide and often contradict each other. For instance It was said on here that they'd broken up in 2013 (2012 before) and when they didn't and were discovered pregnant that was explained away with "they had ex sex". A prayer at the time amongst Goslings most hapeless admires. He's supposedly carrying on with Emma Stone. Even though they don't carry on in the same circles and have never been spotted together outside of working together. Yet according to this site they'd moved in together and were expecting to come out as a couple very soon (all said on here). Absolutely no mention of a pregnancy or baby. And his brief and unexpected comments about her? We're explained away as "keeping up appearences" spinkled with bi-sexual allegations (bi sexual means to prefer both sexes not just one). Not to get personal, but I myself have been proudly bi since I was a teenager. Yet a few months later it's discovered she had a 2nd baby. Enty covers his or her ass by alleging to have previously mentioned it. No he didn't! lol Let's not even forget the "he's not the father her ex is"b.s , because he's bi and wouldn't fuck an icky woman unless it's Emma Stone or maybe Rachel McAdams. lol And him and Rachel have a "secret" baby too. These blinds are pure comedy if anyone takes them serious you especially lack rationality and are exceptionally gullible.

  30. CryABee4:37 AM

    @info desk So you know maybe the paps know where they live at by now and camped out to get a shot, but no lets make it seem like that never happens. smh

  31. CryABee4:48 AM

    @lalalla Don't know about that "name", but she's worth literally half his net worth. So like her or hate her she's doing well for herself. His most recent co-star is worth 6 mil less. And the substance abuse was never confirmed only that she's been to rehab nearly 1o yrs. ago. And that facility treats that among other vices. Project a lot do you?

  32. information desk6:28 AM

    Obvious pap shot bc they were 5 ft away and no shot of Eva face
    Also sort noting that Ryan has publicist as Johnny depp and Kate Bosworth and Alexander skarsgard so the oh you're here pap shot is standard mo I this wheelhouse

  33. RG is unattractive. Never have seen the appeal in that long, narrow face. Looks like his head's been squashed by a giant hand. RR is the same.
