Friday, March 10, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 24, 2016

This former A list world politician was recently found dead. It wasn’t an accident. Apparently he was going to talk and spill some very big beans. Couldn’t have that happen.

John Ashe/former President of UN General Assembly


  1. JustReading1:03 AM

    That's a mighty big accusation.

  2. information desk1:03 AM

    Like pinto or kidney

  3. information desk1:04 AM

    I always thought Scalia was taken out for going against the party

  4. JustReading1:06 AM

    The 5 October 2015 complaint against Ashe and several co-defendants (which involved Ashe’s taking bribes from developer David Ng to support one of Ng’s real estate projects at the U.N.)
    So, David Ng?

  5. JustReading1:07 AM

    That was suspicious to me.

  6. marlo1:07 AM

    The UN is a cesspit of Islamism. Saudi Arabia head of human rights....say no more. Time for it to get dismantled and the premises turned into housing for veterans.

  7. JustReading1:10 AM

  8. Lurker1:12 AM

    I believe! The way he died is so freaky!!

  9. Toppermadison1:23 AM

    Which country's veterans? All of them? The building isn't US property, you know.

  10. marlo1:36 AM

    You know Topperson, some people believe in countries actually taking care of their own for once, and not looking to the US and other western nations (I'm British), to take care of strangers, while they smear them (or us) and call them waycists, and kill their own.
    It'd be a nice change.

  11. Yes i also always thought Scalia's and Ashe deaths suspicious!! You dont know who or what to believe anymore.

  12. information desk1:44 AM

    Just ask James packer how much fun it is getting into bed with the Chinese then tossed out like last nights hooker

  13. .robert1:50 AM

    Or so Hillary would be able to stack the court and get rid of an ultra conservative at the same time.

  14. Long Island Girl1:52 AM

    Don't confuse the poor woman.

  15. Anna From Washington Heights1:59 AM

    Information Desk: Oh SNAP!!! These are the best comments in a long time! More politics, Enty! We're totally bored with the usual suspects.

  16. John Ashe died lifting weights alone at home.

    It's stupid to be bench pressing weight alone.

    But, that won't stop the conspiracy theorist.

    Oh, well.

    1. Lol....yeah....that clears that shady death up..not!

  17. Great blind but keep the politics to a minimum. I come here for entertainment and a safe space away from tin foil hat trolls....i'm a recovering tin foil hatter myself so i need just celebrity epic fails and fame whoredom meltowns. And those wonderful Enty stories...

  18. Sadie4:05 AM

    You obviously know absolutely nothing about the UN. To begin with, the only part of the UN in the US is the General Assembly. Everything else (the most important organizations) are in Switzerland. And the UN is only one part - WHO, WIPO, HCR, ILO, etc.

    "Islamists"? LOL! The Russians will dominate everything if the US pulls out - which is what Putin wants. His only hurdle will be China.

  19. marlo4:28 AM

    Long Island village called, they want their idiot back.

  20. Oh really? Like "weightlifting accidents" happen every day? It sounded off from the beginning.

  21. Jennifer5:15 AM

    You read my thoughts and typed them before I did. Genius!

  22. jessica5:16 AM

    All the Bretton Woods orgs are massive scams (UN, IMF) ruled by corporations to screw over little 3rd world countries.

  23. Long Island Girl6:14 AM

    Wow marlo, you really got me good that time! Haha, Long Island 'village'. Hilarious.
    Oh, and your comments above are full of brilliant ideas and critical thinking, as always.

  24. Scandi Sanskrit7:32 AM

    How odd. I literally just woke up from a dream that unless something that hurt me recently was done, someone else was going to fly all the way to Bali just to hurt me/personally murder me (over politics). Then I wake up to this blind? Weird.

  25. honey bunny7:33 AM


  26. Do NOT pollute this place with more politics, Enty. It is a "safe-space" for many people.

  27. information desk8:35 AM

    @scandi you're dreaming of Derek

  28. Fuck off you neo-nazi loser. Do you have anything to contribute but jumping in on bigotry? No, I'm not some chick called Erin Daniels.

  29. Again with the waycist. Saying something in a baby voice doesn't make it irrelevant or untrue, you low-info dunce.

  30. Marlo's political nous -

    - "waycism"
    - tolerance and decency are idiotic liberal ideas
    - be born on third base and act like you hit a home run

  31. Taking care of your own - code for "I don't give a shit about anyone but myself."

    Dress it up all you want, a dick is a dick is a dick.

  32. marlo1:39 PM

    To Erin & Village idiot a.k.a. Long Island clod:

    Listen you primitive social justice warriors, I will give you $1,000 right now, if you can name me 1 war the UN has prevented, which was the entire reason for its' creation. 1 single war.

    Ignorant sub-educated morons such as yourselves are very good at saying nice words, but when it comes to actual knowledge or reality, you don't know your fucking elbows from your arseholes.

    The UN is a collection of UNELECTED bureaucrats who do ABSOLUTELY FUCK ALL, except lunching for free.
    It's useless, pointless, unproductive and obsolete - just like your tiny brains.

    Now go fetch some coffee for some Hollywood pedo, you brainwarts.

  33. marlo1:43 PM

    Erin - and just fyi: you better fucking believe I don't give a shite about useful idiots such as yourself. I call your ilk COLLABORATORS.
    Staling & Hitler did too: easily brainwashed goose-stepping zombies, with no original thought.

    I care about those who fought wars and risked their lives to give my family and myself freedom and peace of mind, while you care about parasites & inbreds who can't live in peace with anybody in the world, including THEIR OWN.
    That's the difference between you and me.

  34. LucidDreams2:10 PM

    If i was going to spill the beans i would have everything stored and the password given to someone so in case something happened to me the world would still find out

  35. Sd auntie2:58 PM

    Please enty, do NOT go the way of blind gossip with political crapola. Its sooo boring and would like to block certain hags ...

  36. Brizzles10:20 PM

    Erin, I have been noticing your comments the past few weeks, and they seem incredibly hate filled. The pattern I have noticed is that you often are the first person to start name calling. CDAN really hasn't been a place where name-calling in the comments has been a regular occurrence (save the occasional joke-jab at Derek). My question is...why? Why so much hate? You'll never win someone to your side of an argument by insulting them. Have YOU ever changed your mind after being chastised publicly and having your intelligence questioned? I am willing to bet the answer is no. I am not trying to embarrass you, but rather give you some advice which hopefully you are tolerant and open-minded enough to consider. Pick up a copy of "How to Win Friends & Influence People" and dive in. An effective social justice warrior (and really, an effective and persuasive ANYONE) could help steer PIVOTAL change by reading and employing the tactics explained in this classic piece of text. Until then, you are not helping matters by inciting hate. Thanks, and deep breaths. Peace!

  37. Long Island Girl12:39 AM

    Oh, for fucks sake, the differences between and anyone sane are endless.
    I'm sorry your life is so empty that you feel the need to nonsensically piss and moan on a gossip site. I get it though as you've been banned from so many and this is the last one where they just don't give a shit who posts what.
    Try to have a nice weekend, marlo. Get out for a bit and try to assimilate into society.

  38. Long Island Girl12:51 AM

    What drugs are you on, 'Brizzles'?
    You must be marlo. No one would call what marlo says something to be argued, no less in a dignified manor.
    Her (your) drivel is nothing but hate-filled, bombastic bullshit and frankly, it's disgusting.
    Why would you not suggest the book to marlo, instead? Yeah, okay...

  39. Sd auntie2:02 AM

    Good summary Brizzles and LIG. Have to agree thar you should have recommend the book to that other person. I miss Derek Harvey and would rather read his bratty comments or His Malibu bores me shtick than the same old sentences on a daily basis about muslims. When that person makes a normal comment, it is actually entertaining. Its is so over the top and really has no business on A Hollywood gossip website. Living and breathing in California, my experiences have been much more positive with others. Just saying... a few bad apples are ruining the ambience and i hope that mute button comes soon.

  40. #Facts3:25 AM

    Neo-Nazi? Bigotry?

    What are you smoking?

  41. Long Island Girl4:40 AM

    ... the differences between you and anyone sane...
    Of course.

  42. Long Island Girl4:42 AM

    '...the differences between YOU and anyone sane...
    In case you couldn't figure that out.

  43. Long Island Girl4:42 AM

    Well now, that's special.

  44. Boredtechindenver8:52 AM

    Well Erin, I don't expect much more than mouth breathing from Marla, Chavette gotta chavette. She probably voted for Brexit, and when she is still on the dole in 10 years, but worse off, she will still blame foreigners, darkies and Muslims for her 10 kids.

  45. marlo3:20 PM

    Wow LIG, you're actually retarded!! Nevermind honey. There there...

  46. Brizzles2:32 AM

    Long Island Girl, how is what I wrote hate filled in any capacity? I'm baffled as to how you arrived at this conclusion, and I kindly suggest you read my post again. I stated clearly that I had no intentions of embarrassing anyone and ended my statement with "deep breaths and peace." I addressed to Erin due to her posts being patternistic, with her usually resorting to hate and name-calling first, before other users. You actually seem to do the same, so perhaps you could benefit from reading the material as well. I am not Marlo, by the way. If Marlo resorts to name-calling, then he or she should also consider reading the book. In fact, I said that ANYONE who wishes to drive change and be effective at the art of persuasion should read it. I don't care what side of the political spectrum you fall on, or if that's even the area where you wish to steer change. Heck, if all you wanted was for your neighbor across the street to quit parking in front of your house, you stand a WAY better chance of being successful if you employ tactics from "How to win Friends", as opposed to immediately resorting to screaming at him from a safe-distance using hateful personal attacks on his intelligence. People are passionate when it comes to their opinions - I understand that... but one is misguided if they feel that they are helping to improve the sad state of socio-political affairs if all they have to offer to any discussions is name-calling and hate.

  47. Long Island Girl4:00 PM

    Okay fine, you're not marlo. Let's go with that.
    MARLO'S posts are hate-filled, nasty and vile. ANYONE going up against marlo, calling her out for her abhorrent, nasty, xenophobic, racist comments, is standing up for sanity.
    How is it that you are so observant of Erin's patterns and yet be so incredibly oblivious to marlo's? That's why I questioned your veracity.
    MARLO is the one who calls anyone who doesn't agree with her 'retards',
    'inbred' and everything else vulgar she can think of.
    Spare me your sanctimonious pontification and save it for marlo, the cdan bellyaching gnat.

  48. Long Island Girl4:00 PM

    True to form, marlo, true to form.
