Saturday, March 11, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 28, 2016

This A+ list mostly movie actor is taking ridiculous chances now because he needs drugs so much. His addiction is so bad that he has started purchasing drugs himself and from dealers he doesn’t even know.

Johnny Depp


  1. Sunspirit12:19 AM

    He should never of got with Amber Heard

  2. honey bunny1:04 AM

    It's her fault how?

  3. That's ridiculous, he's been on drugs since before Amber were born
    People forgot about River Phoenix? His relationship with Kate Moss?


    Since some of you live in LA, can you tell me how this all begins? How do all of these young, middle age, old celebrities get hooked on drugs? Like Judy Garland did when the studio bosses gave her uppers and downers? How are ALL of these men and women so badly hooked on drugs that it either kills them or destroys their lives and careers? Someone out there should write a tell-all book about the famous drug dealers to the stars. It would be a YUGE hit! I'm sorry, I just can't picture Tom Hanks shooting up. It's a visual I don't want to see.

  5. Hollywood molesters1:46 AM

    When you see a picture of him now it's a clear picture of an addict. Amber had nothing to do with it. She got out with her sanity and life intact. He will continue to self destruct.

  6. Guesser1:53 AM

    Mmm is right he was a well known drug abuser for years, he had a quit time for a while where it was mostly drinking with Vanessa, when things got bad,he looked for someone who used like him and found Amber.

  7. Guesser2:01 AM

    Bob'sYourUncle, Tom Hanks has a son who is a drug addict.

  8. Snarky Angel2:07 AM

    He has been on tour for at least 6 months with Hollywood Vampires, I can't see Joe Perry and Alice Cooper putting up with that addictive behavior.

  9. Sd auntie3:08 AM

    @bob. I do not know what part of the country you live in but drug use in California is everywhere. Eastern parts are into meth, oxy and heroin. City people usually do the coke if they have the money. Meth is the cheap way and almost all young people drink excessively and cause mayhem on the roads. There are horrific drunk driving accidents every weekend. Starts in High school and just keeps going on or you pull up your boot straps and grow up. It's not just Hollywierd, it is everywhere. Rant over...

  10. America doesn't have an immigration problem.
    America has a heroin addiction problem.

  11. Zilla13:49 AM

    America has both an immigration problem AND a drug problem.

  12. Jessica4:02 AM

    Johhny was on drugs looonnnggg before Amber, it's why Vanessa finally dropped him, he got Amber using again after being clean for years.

  13. dianavonthirstybird4:15 AM

    david: Weed is mostly locally grown in the US but the other hard stuff comes from other countries. Afghanistan, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Colombia and on and on. Meth labs are on every block in NYC. The immigration of drugs into this country IS a big deal. Obviously 99% of the immigrants are not smuggling the stuff in. The government has been focusing on the wrong people for decades. Go after the dealers? Hell no! Their kids and wives are on the stuff. If they ended it all they'd have to sleep with one eye open and the bedroom door locked.

  14. Sd auntie4:27 AM

    And most of the users are born and raised here. Corn fed Iowans hooked on hillbilly heroin and meth. Girl please...scapegoat somewhere else. This ain't Norman Rockwells America anymore and the good ol Americans are the biggest consumers.

  15. Robin Stewart5:00 AM

    Please tell me you're not blaming her for this grown man's addiction

  16. Jennifer5:25 AM

    Amber is not at fault for his drug use but I still don't like her. There's something very creepy about her regardless...

    Ask yourself why she was attracted to a dirty, smelly (he doesn't bathe) washed up druggie in the first place? What was the attraction?

  17. Guesser6:19 AM

    @Jennifer, because he is rich, famous and she is or was a drug user.

  18. melissa6:40 AM

    Amber didn't bring him down, she just exposed him for the nasty drug addict he is.
    I am sure she was getting high with him too but I bet she said 'ENOUGH' and shit hit the fan.
    As someone else stated...River Phoneix od'ed 24 YEARS ago....Johnny has been an addict a LONG time.

  19. Becky9:09 AM

    This. He was clean before Amber but she is a mess and he could be on drugs when he was with her but now he looks healthier. It seems he is avoiding her and the drugs

  20. Dannette9:15 AM

    Aww poor Amber, so weak and befuddled that the awful man MADE her be a druggie. Fast forward to the present, I wonder how much she skims off the top for setting up Musk's tete a tetes.

  21. Hortensia9:44 AM

    Let's hope Johnny Depp gets help, or at least tones done the drug/alcohol use to manageable levels.

    As for Amber Heard: she's a Predator.

  22. Scandi Sanskrit10:31 AM

    Lord, that's like donating to the Taliban (albeit indirectly).

  23. BOB'S YOUR UNCLE12:00 PM

    GUESSER: I know Tom's son is a drug addict. I said I couldn't visualize TOM HANKS shooting up. Moron.

  24. Orozco9:59 PM

    Hahaha If Johnny was in drugs during the time he was living with Amber, who is a coke addict, as a former drug dealer said. I'm not worry anymore. Today he looks calm and health.
    If he was into drugs it was when he was living with Amber.

  25. Carmem10:32 PM

    Johnny was touring between May and July 2016 with the Hollywood Vampires, so it is about a time before the tour, when he was living with Amber, yeah, she is the one responsible for the drugs in his life again
    I never saw Johnny publicly dizzy before he was with her
    It is math, Amber is the one who dragged him to drugs again
    And nowadays, wuthout Amber in his life, he looks fine

  26. Carmem10:39 PM

    And I despise Amber, because she manipulated him using her addictions with drug and manipulating him when he was vulnerable because he was dealing with the problems caused by TMC and with his feelings for his mother who was sick

  27. Mr. X9:46 AM

    What a waste. All that money and blowing it on drugs. Good luck.

  28. bless up, auntie!

  29. Marcel5:24 PM

    Yeah, Johnny had two drugs in his life, Amber and TMC. Now he is ok again
