Sunday, March 26, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 13, 2017

This A- list mostly movie actor accidentally let everyone know what kind of bondage games he and his actress wife play. He didn’t care but his wife was mortified, especially when a waiter mentioned it at dinner the other night.

Armie Hammer


  1. So?
    He and his wife are into bondage.
    Good for them.

  2. French girl2:42 AM

    The scandal is that Hammer is called A- list actor like Fassbender or Hardy

  3. sandybrook2:49 AM

    +1 every movie he makes flops

  4. Waverly763:01 AM

    I am a gossip blog/pop culture junkie and while I have heard this guy's name before I could literally not pick him out of a lineup. I mean. Really. I can even tell you the terrible new Superman is named Henry Cavill and I know what he looks like.

    Who the hell is Armie Hammer? WHY is A-? Enty, you need to get your meds adjusted or something.

  5. Jenny3:28 AM

    He and his wife are into bondage.
    Good for them.


    It doesn't sound like his wife's into everyone *knowing* that they're into bondage.

  6. dianavonthirstybird3:38 AM

    He is 'famous' only because he is related to the late billionaire Armand Hammer. His financial connections got him where he is today, not talent. He must be a real joy to live with. Not!!!

  7. You would pick him out of a lineup -- he's 6'5 and played the Winklevoss twins in the Social Network, making them pretty close to household names.

  8. And that some waiter actually recognized him and said something. Lies.

  9. Sorry bleu not in my household. I'll just be over here telling myself this is mc hammer

  10. SarahS4:05 AM

    Never heard of him or seen him in anything. Did you mean B-?

  11. THAT'S how you know him?

  12. I know exactly who he is, and I think he's adorable - but yeah, the A- rating really threw me too.

  13. Zilla18:48 AM

    I feel like this is a rerun reveal.

  14. He was great in The Social Network and The Man From Uncle, small part in Nocturnal Animals. And one of the most handsome guys I've ever seen IMHO! And his wife is very pretty.

  15. What is the issue knowing an actor from The Social Network? He played twins, did a great job, love that movie.

  16. susan1:16 AM

    He is fucking hot.

  17. Frank Reynolds1:47 AM

    Fuck the lone ranger he's riding up and down the line fixing everybody's problems but mine
