Monday, March 20, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 5, 2017

This foreign born A list singer of a group had himself a birthday party. Agents from his talent agency were forced to show up. Lesser known stars were pressured into showing up and some bigger stars got paid to be there. Oh, and then there were the rumors that certain A+ listers were there but really were not.

Chris Martin


  1. sandybrook2:30 AM

    I think JayZ and Bey were said to be there but no photos of them?

  2. JustReading2:31 AM

    Pretty close to jumping the shark, painstakingly disheveled british guy.

  3. longtimereader3:14 AM

    I thought this was the styles blind.

  4. information desk3:23 AM

    His smile and those teeth ugh
    He's so try hard

  5. My Soul Is Darker Than Yours4:19 AM

    What's the dislike of him all about?

  6. glly-yo6:52 AM

    He's try-hard and over-hyped, his music sucks, and he was married to the insufferable of all insufferables.

  7. He's had some good music.

  8. i don't hate his music: it's melancholic & sleepy, but not irritable...

  9. TheCousinEddy12:00 PM

    "You know how I know you're gay?" "You listen to Coldplay". Sorry, couldn't resist...

    But seriously, I think Chris is an alright guy who, unfortunately, married a twat (sorry if that word offends anyone on here, but it's the lesser of two evil words I would use to describe Goopy).

    I like and will listen to exactly three Coldplay songs: Yellow, The Scientist, and Clocks and for the love of God if you haven't heard Willie Nelson's cover of The Scientist, go youtube that now. Good stuff.

    Here's my thing, if there's a big-time celebrity and someone throws a large birthday party for them, their agent(s), manager(s), publicist(s), accountant(s), and lawyer(s) damn well better attempt to at least make an appearance (if invited) or send a congratulatory note. That's just good business etiquette, and a meaningful way to continue to build and solidify that professional relationship/friendship. Those professionals have made damn good money from that one client alone, so it's a good way to show some gratitude. You don't have to stay long, but you show up, "kiss the ring", and at least make some meaningful attempt at congratulatory banter.

    Hell, there's usually free booze and food at these types of events and potential networking opportunities so, in a way, it's a win-win.

  10. We saw Coldplay last summer. Great concert, I love his voice. For example, their 3rd album X&Y, every song is good, listen to Til Kingdom Come. Anyway, during the concert, he thanked the fans and the sh&@ they take from friends for liking Coldplay!

  11. Bobbi Newhart7:42 PM

    "What’s the dislike of him all about?"

    His shitty personality and shitty music.

  12. marlo1:01 AM

    Coldplay makes music for bedwetters.

  13. marlo1:02 AM

    Listen fake 'Marlo', can you please steal somebody else's moniker, since you're so inbred and retarded, you can't even come up with one yourself? The real marlo, thinks Coldplay is absolute fucking shite!
