Saturday, March 04, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #7 - Mr. X

February 22, 2017

This pay cable host is taking credit for the destruction of this speaker/writer and says it goes back weeks ago. A lot of people have been calling BS on that and now have set their sights on taking him down next.

Bill Maher/Milo


  1. Sunspirit3:07 AM

    I can't wait for this to happen. He deserves everything he gets.

  2. jennerationb3:41 AM

    Agree! While I lean consertative (more fiscally than socially) ive never paid attention to Breitbar and have very little knowlege of the Milo guy. Ive seen and heard enough of Bill Mahr to know what what an arrogant, sexist, POS he is, so I will enjoy watchig him be taken down a few pegs.

  3. Long Island Girl4:10 AM

    Well then you could do a witty bitty google and find out what a sick fuck 'the Milo guy' is.
    Maher, on the other hand, hasn't done anything to anyone, doesn't advocate man/boy 'love' and doesn't pretend to be a Christian poster boy.
    It's his politics that rub you the wrong way. Call it like it is.

  4. Long Island Girl4:11 AM

    Why? What do you think he's done?

  5. A 16-year old Canadian girl is responsible for bring Milo down. She's the one who found that video of him and made it public. For those who haven't read about her - it's a good read. She's quite wise for her age. It's pretty sad when a 16-year old speaks more eloquently about our issues here in the U.S. than any political leader we have right now.

  6. just sayin'4:44 AM

    in the milo episode he called transgenders "weirdos". he's adamantely defended mary kay letourneau's behavior because she was "in love", and says that tween and teen boys who experience sex with grown adults are lucky and are not at risk for emotional damage.

  7. just sayin'4:45 AM


  8. Jennerationb4:55 AM

    Your right, I could google Milo to find out more, but I don't care to because I already don't care for him from what I do know. As for Mahr, we are usually different politically, but not always, I even agreed with what he said many years ago when his show got booted from ABC. People twisted what he said and blew it way out of proportion. Besides, I'm not the type to hate/dislike someone just because I don't agree with them, I welcome healthy respectful debate, and do my best to try to understand differing points of view. It really is more his personality that I can't stand. He's always come across as the type who believes he's the smartest guy in the room, and if you can't see that or dare to disagree, automatically treats you like your a moron or a**hole. He is also the type of guy who I imagine never got any in high school, so now that he's famous, constantly parties at the playboy mansion and dates the likes of "SuperHead". There has been a lot of gossip about him over the years from many sources discussing how degrading he is to women. Granted, it is all gossip, but when there is that much smoke, there she s probably fire, especially when you look at dating history. That's all. I can t believeI've talked this long about Bill Mahr- time to go do something useful-LOL

  9. Raine5:28 AM

    Maher is an asswipe who has been whoring out his show to get headlines.

  10. Verbal Kint5:38 AM

    Milo is disgusting and got less than he deserves.

    I miss living on Long Island. 😘😎😥

  11. Verbal Kint5:38 AM

    Milo is disgusting and got less than he deserves.

    I miss living on Long Island. ???

  12. Diana6:36 AM

    Milo wasn't destroyed. If anything, he's going to come back bigger and stronger. The only thing these idiots did was give him a bigger audience. That Maher episode was difficult to watch. It was a huge asshole contest and I still can't tell who won.

  13. Sd auntie7:29 AM

    Keep dreaming. Lots of people hate Nambla and child molesters. It's all over for Mighty Milo.

  14. Shalene7:50 AM

    Maher is a terrible person and anyone with ounce of dignity knows he's crazy coke head. He thinks women are stupid, Christianity is ridiculous but he's so miserable in life he's not credible for advice to anyone looking for peace. The chances of the Big Bang being a reasonable theory of life's beginning is the equivalent of a tornado touching down in a landfill full of car pieces and leaving with a completely reassembled car that actually works. And people who believe in god is out of touch? My fairytale makes better scene than someone believing our universe just appeared out of nowhere and formed a perfect earth with gravity, an ozone layer, ocean tides that work with the moon, every substance needed to maintain life, ecosystem, and food chain. So now that we've broke down there's a creator now we must examine which creator (god) makes sense. There's only one god that's predicted over 76+ prophecies that has come to pass. Including media being implemented in the book of Revelations. Jesus showing john the world will ALL lay eyes on 2 prophets at the same time. The Jewish and Christian god has better odds than any prophet or fortune teller. Rant over.

  15. YEEEEEESSSSS. I used to like him, but he's such an islamophobic piece of shit. And he's bff's with Ann Cunter. That's reason enough to gut him like a carp.

  16. You're right

  17. Zilla19:42 AM

    So Bill Maher's not a terrible person and hasn't done anything wrong? How about when he defended sex between a 35 year old and a 12 year old, or does that not count?

  18. Scandi Sanskrit11:20 AM

    The best way to defeat an famehoe is to stop giving them attention they don't deserve. But I guess the media want clicks more than they want to do the right thing.

    People are more interested in gossiping about which celeb's going to have a baby bump next instead of discussing the stigma attached to being childless. Go figure.

  19. "he'll only come back stronger"

    So you think a pedophile apologist is someone who should come back stronger? Really?

  20. marlo7:59 PM

    If Milo is "destroyed" , how come all of you sub educated coffee&coke-fetchers for an entire pedo-industry and defenders of a pedo-religion, are still talking about him? LOL...they don't call you 'libtards' for nuffin'...

  21. Not working again?

  22. This site is messed up badly.

  23. Milo received his karma. 2017 will be the year thins that are done in darkness will be brought to light. The more conservative and willing to trample on others rights to hold up their own a person is the more they have to hide usually. Even if they seem 'nice' or normal.

  24. Couldn't have said it better myself!

  25. Just in case it is not clear, I was responding to Long Island Girl when I replied I couldn't have said it better myself.

  26. Long Island Girl5:52 AM

    Go with GOD, Shalene.

  27. Long Island Girl5:53 AM

    Site something, anything, that explains your statement.

  28. Long Island Girl5:54 AM

    You are a fucking idiot, plain and simple. WRONG, WRONG and WRONG, as fucking usual. Get a goddamned grip.

  29. Long Island Girl6:04 AM

    Absolutely. I hope the FBI gets a warrant for his computer. This pathetic excuse of a man is obviously a bonafide member of NAMBLA.

  30. Long Island Girl6:07 AM

    So, ignorance is indeed bliss, eh? Are you currently donating your useful time at your church? Feeding the homeless, perhaps? Taking in orphans, who instead of being aborted, were put up for adoption? Tutoring inner-city children who lack the advantages of private schools? Do tell....................

  31. Long Island Girl6:14 AM

    Wonderful. Didn't know about this, thanks!

  32. Jennerationb7:06 AM

    Jeez Long Island Girl, lighten up a bit. After all,this is just a silly little gossip site. If you really want to know, I did spend last evening at a fundraising event benefiting a local family of which several members were seriously injured in an accident last month as their current and future medical expenses are overwhelming. I went to church this morning and signed up to participate in 3 local "clean up days" over the next month that will help to clean & repair a playground in one of the poorer sections of town, perform gardening (weed pulling, over grown hedge clipping etc) for an elderly woman who is unable to do it herself or afford to hire someone, and also to pass out food to the homeless and assist however needed on the "blocks" that our church regularly supports and gives aid to. In the last month I also donated 2 week long stays, at a beach property we own, to the local food bank and St. Jude's to be auctioned off at their respective fundraisers. Although I haven't adopted any orphans, I do care for my own two children that I chose to bring into the world. In addition to providing them with all the basic necessities of life, I also do what I can to provide a caring, loving home where they are nurtured and taught to treat others with kindness and have respect for everyone, including themselves, work for the things they want, do well in school, share, play, imagine, enjoy life and give back.
    So, since you asked, these are the "useful" things I prioritize doing over googling jerks and getting into ridiculous "gossip site spats".

  33. Long Island Girl7:45 AM

    Thanks for your self-promotional dissertation. I hope you enjoyed sharing your good deed doings.
    Unfortunately, you missed the point.
    If you can't be bothered to google the subject of the blind, yet feel the need to SLAM
    someone who doesn't agree with your religion and/or politics, tells me all I need to know about you.
    Why bother to comment if you don't understand the context? No need to answer.
    Bill Maher is a Atheist. That's all you need to know. He's also a liberal Democrat. Strike two.
    Now, why not take a few moments to google Milo Yiannopoulos, until very recently, senior editor of Breitbart, (a publication you'd surely adhere to) and educate yourself.
    Here, I'll get you started...

  34. Scandi Sanskrit8:46 AM

    Wendy, you're missing the point: This guy is an attention-seeker, he's been described as a "professional troll" (that's what he was paid to do at UC Berkeley). That's his 'trade', if you will.

    By giving him undeserved attention, we're giving him what he want. That's why talking about him is making his "stronger" (not via conventional 'support' from the mainstream public or being defended by them). If the media wants to stop him, just simply stop making him relevant. Right now, the media's just taking the bait and giving him exactly what he wants.

  35. Scandi Sanskrit10:03 AM

    Long Island Girl, I'm totally on your side on this one. But Marlo also has a point: Milo/Maher are just attention-seekers/famehoes. The best way to "destroy" them is by not talking about them, by not keeping them relevant (I really feel like Maher has always been more about being 'that person' saying what's outrageous about a subject, rather than shed light on the subject in discussion itself). That's what they live off on: the attention. We should stop feeding the beast (and so should the media, for that matter).

  36. Hortensia10:58 AM

    Milo bragged that a publishing house gave him a "wheelbarrow of money" for writing a book. The publishing company killed the deal. No, Milo is probably close to suicide. He's done. Kaput. Never coming back. No one wants him. He's finished. Cooked. A nobody. He's so gone, even the Mafia can't kill him. He's already killed.

  37. Hortensia10:59 AM

    Milo is dead to everyone, even, and most importantly, to himself.
    Goodbye, Milo! Buh bye!
    Let the door slam your ass hard on the way out, trashbag.

  38. Scandi Sanskrit11:21 AM

    Good on the publishing company. Maybe they should hire Leslie Jones to write something funny instead.

  39. Shaddup Mimsey12:18 PM

    This is like the south park episode when George Lopez steals the fish sticks/ gay fish joke from jimmy and cartman. Kanye doesn't get it and kills him.

  40. Jennerationb11:42 PM

    No, Long Island Girl- I believe you missed the point. My dislike of Bill Maher is not because of religion or politics, it is just simply that I think the guys is a smug, pompous, narcissistic jerk (as Milo is as well). I could truly care less about either of them as I think they are both dispicable.

    To call me "self promoting" is also ridiculous as no one on this site even knows (or cares) who I am. Normally I would never have mentioned any volunteer work I do, but you YOU ASKED if I did, so I answered.

    Have a good day!!😊

  41. Jennerationb11:42 PM

    No, Long Island Girl- I believe you missed the point. My dislike of Bill Maher is not because of religion or politics, it is just simply that I think the guys is a smug, pompous, narcissistic jerk (as Milo is as well). I could truly care less about either of them as I think they are both dispicable.

    To call me "self promoting" is also ridiculous as no one on this site even knows (or cares) who I am. Normally I would never have mentioned any volunteer work I do, but you YOU ASKED if I did, so I answered.

    Have a good day!!?

  42. Bwahahaha! Bitch got served, long Island gurl..I'm afraid Jenn gotcha there. So high and mighty and smart huh? Hahaha I love it- you call someone out and ask if they've done such and such and THEY DID, but still you're a nasty snatch? Nice.
    What a pleasant person, you

  43. Long Island Girl12:39 PM

    You still haven't looked up Milo, have you.
    One is a monster who advocates MEN and YOUNG BOYS having 'sex' and is most likely a predator. Another annoys you because you think he's smug yet you find them BOTH despicable. SMFH.

  44. Long Island Girl12:43 PM

    Hiss much, marlo? Jenn is equating Bill Maher with a fucking pedophile.
    You are a fucking idiot.

  45. LOL1231:13 PM

    Bill Maher advocates woman-boy love, so what's the difference? Adult men shouldn't fuck underage boys, and neither should adult women. Yet Bill Maher thought it was cool to say women should rape children. It's Milo's politics that rub you the wrong way - call it like it is.
