Monday, March 27, 2017

Your Turn

Best piece of advice you have ever been given.


  1. choose your battles carefully/only fight the battles you can win

  2. It takes two years for a man to show his true colors.

  3. sandybrook3:02 AM

    You can't please everybody

  4. yes, this too! another one: never explain yourself to anyone

  5. HH3143:05 AM

    I think this is bad advice. Of course is good to win all your battles if you must battle, but sometimes you just have to do the right thing without guaranteed success and even if you lose. A clean conscience is more important to me

  6. Ever Duchovny3:12 AM

    Be a listener. Learn whether or not you are engaging someone you want to go forward with in life as a friend, colleague or romantic partner. If they are not desireable for your life, simply do not engage again. Don't get caught up in drama.

  7. sandybrook3:16 AM

    OT for a second to the Enterns: the notification of a direct reply from another poster to me via my E-mail isn't working anymore.

  8. JustReading3:21 AM

    "Choose your battles" was the best piece of advice I received as a young parent. I followed it and paid attention to what was REALLY important and what was just life. It was immensely helpful.

  9. Guesser3:23 AM

    Mine stopped as well, as soon as I could reply to others, the email notification stopped.

  10. NotThatBeth3:43 AM

    It's only a mistake if you don't learn from it.
    Learn to forgive yourself - everyone makes mistakes.

  11. just sayin'5:40 AM

    "bloom where you're planted".
    also "never marry a musician", which i unfortunately ignored.

  12. dianavonthirstybird6:50 AM

    My late mother told me when I was 10 (65 years ago): "Never, ever vote Republican and never, ever trust ----!" Words to live by.

  13. Ha, my mother said just the opposite: Never vote for a Democrat.

  14. Laura Ramona7:30 AM

    If you have a problem, tell the wall. Secret well kept

  15. Smash7:34 AM

    How somebody feels about you is none of your business.

  16. Lapsed Lurker7:41 AM

    Buy a plunger before you need one.

  17. To never follow a man blindly, unless I'm dancing - from my dad :)

  18. Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley7:51 AM

    Never turn down a hot beef sandwich.

    Also, horizontal stripes do make a husky woman look like a pregnant bee.

  19. Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley7:53 AM

    But what if you're Helen Keller?

  20. Jennifer7:54 AM

    It's not good to be too nice.

  21. The only way to make money in Las Vegas is to: Stay Out of the Casinos!

    Sometimes you have to smack a client upside the head with the truth in order to get their attention.

    Never, ever help friends or family with real estate. If it goes well, they take the credit; if it goes slightly bad, it's all your fault.

    If you always tell the truth, you never have to remember the lie.

    Don't believe a word about your own publicity!

    If a client isn't qualified to buy, tell them and move on. You will waste time and effort trying to help them qualify.

    If a Seller demands a price way too high for the market, they are not a serious Seller.

  22. texasrose8:14 AM

    I will repeat - Never pass up a bathroom, trust a fart, or waste a hardon.

  23. whatever happened in ur life, never oder Margarita in Chinese Restaurant....

  24. Farmgirl8:46 AM

    Remember every person was once a tiny baby just needing love and protection.

    It seems like a simple idea, but when you look at people as just another baby like yourself, it helps give perspective.

  25. Boredtechindenver9:08 AM

    Shake it twice, tap it, then put it away.

  26. You can't change him. You can only change your response to him.

  27. Frufra9:59 AM

    With regards to raising children: pay now or pay later. Do the work (discipline) when they're little, and spare everyone the anguish when they're older.

  28. Famous Chef10:48 AM

    Get your education. "They" can never take that away from you.

  29. AndrewBW11:30 AM

    God gave us two ears and one tongue so that we could listen twice as often as we speak.

    Measure twice, cut once.

  30. Girl, you are self-absorbed to the extreme. It's unhealthy. Here is some advice someone should've given you a long time ago: the whole world doesn't revolve around you and your issues. Get over yourself and you'll find happiness

  31. Scandi Sanskrit11:46 AM

    Good one. Mean girls always get the best guys for some reason.

  32. Scandi Sanskrit11:54 AM

    A non-regular troll (or at least a rarely seen one) commenting on my ramblings? Or do you only come around when certain blinds about certain people are posted. Not today.

  33. Scandi Sanskrit11:56 AM

    I never thought a seller could be considered "not serious"? Like, they really don't want to let go of the property subconsciously or something?

  34. I happen to have a very busy life to spend too much time on gossip sites, you wouldn't understand the concept
    And calling people rude names like troll only makes you look small
    I just read your ramblings (very apt description) in a public forum and thought to myself "this girl is delusional". Does she really think anyone cares about her little precious snowflake issues? My advice was meant to help, seems like you're not capable of looking at yourself objectively so nevermind

  35. Scandi Sanskrit12:53 PM

    Awww... If you're so "busy", then why do you even keep coming here at all? Do you have vested interest too, or do you just care really that much about the lives of people who have nothing to do with you whatsoever? Now who's the "delusional" one?

  36. DancerDiva2:09 PM

    Don't bitch if you're not going to do anything about it.

  37. HH3142:26 PM

    I am a physician and am very busy. This website and Dlisted are my lunch break distractions. I do have to be very focused on my work so half an hour of idle gossip and guessing blind items is my way to relax and breathe. Normally I just read and rarely comment but your postings shocked me with their lack of self-awareness. I hope this answers your questions

  38. Sd auntie3:52 PM

    Hh314, YOU Are a pompous ass and i would HATE to be your patient. STFU. oh and dont forget, you called me a whore? And think i'm white. Who says that and why are you working with the general public!!!!!! Wish i could report your idiot ass to the state board. I also see you on Daily Mail making jerky remarks too. Like hell you are at lunch.

  39. Sd auntie3:54 PM

    Trust no one. Especially angry alpha females in the workplace ever!!!

  40. SundaySilence894:28 PM

    I've got 2....1. Lay down with dogs you get fleas and 2. Fuck'em if they can't take a joke

  41. Never give your employer a reason to fire you.

  42. don't chase success, do what you love and what you're good at, and success will come to you

  43. & also when i was a young girl my great grand mother told me:
    one day you will become a mother, and when you do, never listen to anybody, just always trust your own instinct when it comes to your children - she was spot on

  44. Hot Cola3:36 AM

    Heard it on the beach when I was 17 from some travellers.

  45. Dont have expectations. Then you won't be disappointed and be delughted if it all works out well.

    Best damn advice ever.

  46. Delighted for crying out loud!

  47. I used to do mortgages...David SO TRUE! And how many clients STILL don't listen (shakes head). Glad i do makeup now...less stressful and now diva backstabbing shite.

  48. No backstabbing. Jeepers my thumbs are fat!!

  49. SnarkIsFun1:11 PM

    Never ask how stupid someone can be - because one day, they'll take it as a challenge.
