Thursday, April 13, 2017

Blind Item #11

Apparently this married foreign born A++ list celebrity who probably didn't want to be A++ and would much prefer to stay in the shadows has been caught multiple times squeezing the hand or hugging a hired male tutor. It sounds innocent when you write it, but apparently it happens all the time and no one thinks the relationship is platonic.


  1. MontanaMarriott4:31 AM

    Prince WIlliam???

  2. sandybrook4:32 AM

    William brother of Prince Hot Ginge

  3. No, Melania

  4. Oh, come now! Prince George is only three years old, FFS!

  5. Oopsy, didn't see married. What grown person needs a tutor?

  6. Robyn4:38 AM

    Melania.....what's the big deal. Donald likes to grab them by the pu$$y, Bill liked to play touchy feely with anything with a pulse (except Hillary) and Hillary liked to play touchy feely with Huma! Its all good

  7. MontanaMarriott4:46 AM

    Ohhhh I totally thought male/gay but this could very well be Melania. Great guess with a tutor for Baron

  8. mariaj4:58 AM

    Hoping is Melaina and if so...GO MELANIA!!!

  9. Like Don could get it up without Viagra!
    He's an old, balding, narcissistic man!

  10. Melissa5:04 AM

    Good for her (Melaina) and the dude is probably Barons tutor.
    No one in those types of relationships is/are faithful
    You exchange love and a real relationship at the door when you receive all the finest things life has to offer at the snap of a finger.

  11. SarahS5:12 AM

    All I can say is that I know for a FACT that some of the biggest divorce lawyers in NYC have very VERY secretly had discussions with a certain political couple. It made me very excited, to be honest!

  12. Faust5:25 AM

    This is why the Donald is starting wars with everyone . He's angry and he knows his foreign born ,english as a second language, immigrant wife is secretly repulsed by his bloated body and balding head. Good thing they live on completely different floors of trump tower and only see each other for photo ops.

  13. Sd auntie5:59 AM

    That is fantastic news. Her body language says it all. WOW.

  14. Simon6:53 AM

    Lots of trump hate here

  15. SmellyBum6:57 AM

    Yep. Lots of Trump hate everywhere to be fair.

  16. Mephistopheles7:07 AM

    "Who r u then? What is the name urs tribe & reservation?"( very native american?)

  17. Jennifer7:20 AM

    Prince William

  18. Jennifer7:21 AM

    He's not starting wars, he's responding to them.

  19. Monica Lewinsky Flowers7:52 AM

    The Clintons?

  20. Dannette8:07 AM

    This sounds like the type of planted fake news that that nice David Brock would shit out.

  21. dianavonthirstybird9:12 AM

    If this is Mrs. Trump, this would be the second time one of his wives cheated on him with 'the help'. Does anyone remember Marla and the life guard rolling around semi-naked on a beach? That's why he divorced her. At 70, most men have had their fill of sex and move on to politics or climbing Mt. Everest. Guess Donald chose the latter. A divorce I'd love to see? Rudy and Judy!

  22. dianavonthirstybird9:13 AM

    Sorry. Guess he chose the FORMER. Another ice cream mishap.

  23. Scandi Sanskrit9:47 AM

    Yeah, if my so-called 'husband' constantly publicly humiliated me by grabbing other women "by the p*ssy", I "would much prefer to stay in the shadows" too...

    When she finally officially leaves him to pursue true love, I'll give her a pat on the back and say, "good for her." ♥

  24. Scandi Sanskrit9:50 AM

    Next thing you know, it'll be "OMG there are WMDs in Iraq" all over again.

  25. Hothotheat10:18 AM

    What's not to hate?

  26. SheenaBeena10:35 AM

    Haha. You actually believe that which is funny. Strange, he campaigned on not responding to wars and staying out of the fray. Not saying much about that though.

  27. Emeraldcity10:52 AM

    On the WMD's , did you ever wonder why they were so adamant that they existed without any proof. Because they knew with out a shadow doubt that Saddam had at least one because they gave it to him when he was still buddies with the US, I know it sounds impossible but it's true. The weapon was smuggled into Syria to avoid detection , probably buried in the desert somewhere. A retired general wrote about it in a draft book, the general died mysteriously and the book was not published but copies were sent to friends.

  28. Hortensia11:07 AM

    Just a cartoon of Trump on the cover of The New Yorker is vomitus enough. With his clothes on yet!

  29. Jennifer12:09 PM

    China is threatening to bomb North Korea. What exactly did Trump do to cause that? Please tell us, inquiring minds would like your thoughts on the matter. Also, What should Trump have done about Assad gassing those kids? The Syrian people are applauding Trump.

    Btw, where were you when Obama was bombing people with drones?

  30. Jennifer12:10 PM

    Normal people don't run for the Presidency. It's just a fact.

  31. SheenaBeena1:12 PM

    Typical. Without knowing anything about my party preference, you clam up and toss an Obama zing in there. Like, "Not uh, he did it too! Obama is a bad man too!" Completely irrelevant when I addressed Trump on his own words. But typical.

    I don't care what the Syrian people are doing. I don't care what China is doing. This man campaigned on a "its not our problem" platform and now has gone completely astray, like much of his agenda. The allies in the area were supposed to be taking care of the problems while we focused on domestic affairs. And don't get high and mighty like you know what you are talking about. If we were so altruistic and were concerned about oppressed people, we would be in about half of Africa and Southeast Asia. Gassed Syrians are what makes the news. Just another day in much of the world. Bottom line is we can't fix it. We can't even fix our own troubled cities.

    But hey.....Obama

  32. No refunds Enty ;)

  33. For fucks sake, can I just read comment section without having to hear people voice their opinion on Trump. There's plenty of other sites for that.

  34. morgan55:07 PM

    I wouldn't say secretly repulsed. Anyone with eyes saw it three months ago.

  35. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

  36. Pixie Panama5:11 PM

    wowza... This is bombshell news! Do you think it will happen?

    So she stayed with him only for her political career and now that its gone...she's decided to rid herself of Bill!

  37. Jennifer7:45 AM

    Gone astray? It's called responding to world problems. Since you have all the answers why don't you run for office?

  38. dianavonthirstybird12:51 PM

    Meth-a-file: No one on this site is Native American. Let's not go there. Is nothing sacred?

  39. sheepie11:06 PM

    I think its him too but I hope not. What a freaky blind :(
