Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Blind Item #1

All the answers this week to the blind items are people who have never previously been an answer to a blind in the past decade.

This foreign born B+ list mostly television actor is halfway to an EGOT (if you count nominations). He is also on a very hit network show. After struggling for years to get more than character work, he slept with a casting director who has since helped our actor land a bunch of good roles.


  1. just sayin\'11:48 PM

    simon baker?

  2. just sayin\'11:49 PM

    nvm, not in a current hit show

  3. AndrewBW12:25 AM

    Getting nommed doesn't count. You have to win the awards.

  4. just sayin\'12:32 AM

    isn't enty saying he's been at least nominated for 2 out of 4, but hasn't won both?

  5. police dog4:31 AM

    female or male casting director?

  6. sydguy10:16 AM

    I'm sure it's a male casting director, because, unless the actor is married, it wouldn't be BI worthy to mention it in the first place.
    Simon Baker might fit the description, but he hasn't done anything since The Mentalist. How about Gael Garcia Bernal? He won Golden Globe for Mozart in the Jungle.

  7. david sux2:01 AM

    Figure it out, boner.
