Sunday, April 16, 2017

Blind Item #2

All the answers this week to the blind items are people who have never previously been an answer to a blind in the past decade.

This A- list mostly television actress is only that high because she is a lead on a network show. A one and done fairytale like network show if she has her way. She is doing everything she can to destroy it from within because she loves being a movie actress so much more. No long hours. No fans to deal waiting off the set. She can be her inner diva. No one on the cast or crew likes her at all and people who starred with her on her most recent movies dislike her even more. She is setting her up to be someone no one remembers a few years from now.


  1. MontanaMarriott11:52 PM

    This is tough cus anyone (Jennifer Morrison) I want to mention has been in a BI in the past decade. ARRRRGHHH

  2. Derek Harvey11:54 PM

    Ginnifer Goodwin

  3. Tricia1312:01 AM

    Elizabeth (Bitsie) Tulloch-just filmed "we love you sally carmichael

  4. just sayin\'12:03 AM

    can't be:

  5. just sayin\'12:04 AM

    what the heck is with the unrequested punctuation on this site? is it only happening to me?

  6. austin12:22 AM

    It seems to be a glitch associated with use of the apostrophe. Since glitches are are now a permanent part of the fix what wasn't broken site redesign, abandoning the apostrophe may be your best bet.

  7. Bitsie isn't A list and all her castmates were at her engagement party and she is always seen with Bree Turner so I'm not sure how unliked she is.

  8. Tricia1312:38 AM

    Yeah - -seems like there are a couple leads-maybe Bree Turner(never watched)... thought maybe Lana Parilla from OUAT because she seemed like she could be a diva from an interview I saw but she is almost all TV

  9. Yep my guess is Lana too. Nothing against her just based on the infomration from the blind. She could pass for A list, Bitsie can't.

    The blind mentions the person is is trying to destroy the show from within and that sounds like something current and Grimm has been cancelled for a while and already aired their last episode.

  10. Edit: You're right she Lana doesn't have any movie roles that we know of right now. So I don't know saying no one likes Bitsie and that she is A list might be just an exaggeration on his part.

    I watched Grimm and I thought it was suspicious some of the arcs they gave to her character but I assumed she got along fine with everyone because she always hangs out with the cast outside work so maybe it's just a couple of people who dislike her.

  11. I don't think this is anyone on Once or Grimm - no one could ever call them "one and done" shows when they've both run for six seasons (maybe more, if Once is renewed). The only current one-season fairytale show I can think of is Emerald City, but the lead is not A- and the show filmed and finished airing a while ago - how much could she be doing now to destroy the show?

  12. Scandi Sanskrit1:55 AM

    OMG. I thought I was the only one who noticed the strange pattern/irregularities with Juliette's story arc! It almost felt like the writers were messing with her by making her character as annoying as possible.

    Normally, my first guess when I see something like that happens to an actress is the actress is being "punished" for refusing to sleep/do casting couch with someone influential (it happens). But then I found the actress insufferable as well—she came off very 'precious', so I thought she's maybe a diva on set. I stopped watching "Grimm" after Season 2 because Juliette grated my nerves...

    Maybe Enty's labelled her A-list because she was in one Oscar-nominated film (eugh, who cares). She was in "The Artist" (not Peppy).

  13. Katie2:17 AM

    LOL I was one of the few people who liked Juliette early on and wished she would just go back to "normal" but her arc just got more and more wild. If you notice even though it's a show about monsters and magic she was the only main character who ever had lasting effects and "lost her soul" and became a complete different person plus I'm pretty sure she and Nick were supposed to be endgame his romance with Adalind and pushing Adalind to become the lead didn't feel natural to me. I always found that so odd.

    Even the most insufferable people have friends so maybe she is annoying only to extras and crew and maybe Bree is just a really patient person. I'm curious for the reveal.

  14. LiveYourLife3:15 AM

    Adria Arjona is certainly not A- list by most standards, but Enty did say she is "only this high" because she was a lead on a network TV show. She has been in some fairly high profile stuff in just the past couple years (Narcos, which was critically acclaimed on Netflix, and True Detective on HBO), and she was just added to the Pacific Rim sequel towards the end of last year. Emerald City only stopped airing a month ago, and perhaps this is referencing it's limbo status with NBC.

  15. Scandi Sanskrit12:44 PM

    Ugh, the whole "lost her soul" thing... I forgot about that. What I did remember was her character was whiny AF, and it almost felt like every other members of the Scooby gang existed to 'rescue' her the whooole time? It got pretty irritating. Like, I get that the entire show is based on Grimm's fairy tales and traditionally fairy tales have a damsel in distress, but if you're going to have a character who's physically weak/powerless/helpless, at least make her witty/have a sense of humour/give her some snark (tone down the 'princess' vibes).

    The only other female character that I can think of who's equally as annoying is Molly Hooper from BBC's "Sherlock" (to make things worse, the actress who plays her strikes me as the kind of person who would accuse you of being a 'misogynist' if you dare dislike her, uuugh). Like, every time Molly appears on screen, "Sherlock" turns into "Bridget Jones's Diary" (and I theorise the creators of that show kept that non-canon character on the show to cater to the chick-flick crowd and get them to stay). Moriarty's mischief is more likable than her, CAM's twistedness is more likable than her, and it's easier to sympathise with Irene Adler's vulnerabilities.

    When will these shows' writers learn that giving female characters "science"-y jobs (Juliette is a vet, Molly is a lab rat) won't automatically make them "intelligent"? Both are annoying and dumb AF. AS. FUCK. Give me Christine Palmer any day (she'd come over to Stephen Strange's apartment to bring him food, and she still didn't come off like a fool). Lara Axelrod from "Billions" doesn't have a sciene-y STEM job, I think she's mainly a SAHM (IDK her level of education) and she's waaayyy smarter than Juliette/Molly combined. FFS.

    Sorry, I ramble.
