Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Blind Item #3

All the answers this week to the blind items are people who have never previously been an answer to a blind in the past decade.

This married B- list mostly television actress was on one of the shorter lived network shows of the season. She was so traumatized by the drama on set that she has not even tried to land a new acting job and this is someone who was eventually going to be an A list television actress. She just needed the right break.


  1. Tricia1312:03 AM

    Lauren Blumenfeld/Doubt?
    Heigl drama

  2. elle b12:07 AM

    dreama walker

  3. Scandi Sanskrit12:16 AM

    What on-set drama could possibly traumatize her so bad? Enty said "drama" (not like sexual harassment/assault).

  4. Tricia1312:17 AM

    She got "Heigl'ed"

  5. Looks like I'll come back to the site next week, I have no idea who the hell any of these people are!

  6. Scandi Sanskrit1:25 AM

    That muscle exercise thing you do with your va-jay-jay?

  7. Ettacettera7:18 AM

    Good--I'm not the only one ?

  8. Patrick3:50 AM

    This is it I think. Don't trust the B in Apt. Whatever was a well regarded early project, and she has the right look and personality for TV stardom. Heigl must be a nightmare. But, if you watched her on Kimmel on Tues, you sort of understand where her problems arose. She basically looked like a Bikini model, boobs hips and all, from 14-15 on. She looked like a 19 year old smoke show shortly after she entered her teens. I think she probably had some bad experiences on set. She alluded to some last night.
