Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Blind Item #6

All the answers this week to the blind items are people who have never previously been an answer to a blind in the past decade.

This B- list mostly television actor is an Emmy nominee/winner for a massive pay cable hit that is no longer on the air. Our actor is on a fairly new CBS network hit. He is a great actor. He is also HIV+ but just a handful of people in his life know.


  1. The Troublemaker1:06 AM

    Illness outing should be off limits.
    I can't wait for this boring week of blinds about people I've never heard of to end.

  2. Guesser1:16 AM

    It would have been great for one or two blinds a day,but all week? Me thinks Enty is on vacation. The actor doesn't even tell people he knows, but we are supposed to try and let the world know about someone's illness.

  3. dianavonthirstybird1:29 AM

    Guesser: If the public knew the names of all the HIV+ celebrities, they would plotz! Since Enty is Jewish, I'm sure he took Passover week off. No biggie.

  4. Megley1:30 AM

    Enty, really? You won't out closeted folks, but you want to out someone's HIV status? What the fuck???

  5. just sayin\'1:42 AM

    no no no no no. hiv+ does not = a character defect and is not scandal-worthy for the consumption of the nosy public like me. it is a personal health issue/challenge and worse. no one's business but one's own (or of anyone with whom one wishes to exchange body fluids).

  6. Frank2:04 AM

    Remove this post

  7. This is in very poor taste, even for this site. Please remove it.

  8. Jesus Juggs2:43 AM

    Freddy Rodriguez on "Bull." Nominated for Six Feet Under. This may be a leak to see how it plays out in public. He'll either deny it or announce it. Or ignore it.

  9. SarahS3:15 AM


  10. Meg00m3:47 AM

    Where was the uproar about the prime time actress with cancer? Seems you're sanctimonious behaviour only follows a disease like HIV....why is that? Sounds like you have negative feelings about how or why people get/have HIV and pretend not to by clutching your pearls at a blind item on a gossip site. Which is exactly what this community doesnt need. Thank you.

  11. just wait for Monday: teen moms, ktrash, former twiners on drugs, zack, selena, bieber, lilo, offsprings of celebs: models, bela hadid in dubai, aflecks, a few closeted foreign born double threads & their beards (wife, gf ), new yachting season, more closets, alcohol, drugs, cheating we all know abt & fill comfortable w/...
    P.S. blinds abt illness r off limit...
    P.P.S.want to know reveals abt "condos" & "basement w/ two bicycles & folding chairs" (my fav blinds of 2017)...

  12. A nun6:50 AM

    Don't forget the Real Housewives?

  13. Shortie9:45 AM

    Can't wait for this week to be over and all these special answers are a dim memory. Too much work.

  14. Do Tell11:07 AM

    Please, he outs closeted people EVERY DAY with the blinds.

  15. Good luck with that.

  16. Guesser11:42 AM

    You forgot the fake pregnancies,Irina looks too thin, Janet too fat , for either to have had a baby.

  17. Scandi Sanskrit11:48 AM

    Agreed. The only people entitled to know are his sex partners. ♥

  18. Guesser12:06 PM

    a lot of people, not just celebrities, have hidden cancer,or other serious diseases. You don't know if the person told their children or elderly relatives,I have had to hide illnesses of family members from my mother, I also know several celebrities hid cancer until they recovered or were outed by a tabloid. Some of us thought the treatment of Val Kilmer was way out of line.We were told months ago that he was dying,and someone undergoing this treatment shouldn't have to be under constant scrutiny. The problem with HIV is the person might not even be ill, and they will be treated differently.

  19. IKilledJennySchecter7:20 PM

    Hey, shouldn't Jennifer have shown up by now to give us a reliably homophobic and emphatic "ewww, gross!"

  20. She really is a bitch isn't she
