Friday, April 14, 2017

Blind Item #7

This B+ list dual threat actress who uses a middle initial in her name showed her displeasure to the barista who got her drink wrong by getting his attention and then pouring her drink in the trashcan. She then asked him if he thought he could get it right this time around.


  1. Tricia131:31 AM

    Taraji P Hensen

  2. I'd have charged her for two coffees!
    To me, being nice about the drink correction gets the drink remade for free!

  3. Tricia131:40 AM

    Talk about First World Problems-how can can ya get upset over a drinking made perfectly?

  4. sandybrook1:49 AM

    I know someone who goes to Starbuck's orders drinks he makes up and sees if he gets whatever he ordered, most times he gets something without a question from the barista.

  5. RandomGuy1:54 AM

    Barista usually denotes Starbucks. You get what you deserve when you drink crappy starbucks coffee

  6. Juank3:09 AM

    Vanessa L Williams

  7. police dog4:08 AM

    this lady is so into herself. I wish she would disappear.

  8. dianavonthirstybird4:18 AM

    In the late 90s I was the oldest Starbucks Barista in California! No joke. Worked in the largest store in San Francisco. A Brooklyn native came in one morning and ordered a Latte at a staggeringly hot temperature. He even had a thermometer to measure how hot it was! When it wasn't to the scalding (potentially deadly) degree he wanted he made a scene. Honey, how I didn't get fired for what I said to him is a miracle! His ugly mouth hit the floor and he went into shock. Never came back to that store again. I got a definite side eye from the manager, though.

  9. Tricia135:26 AM

    If true then seems so---- I'm just so happy to have coffee I never even tell them when they got it wrong ?

  10. 8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob5:29 AM

    If the barista messes up with your drink, you have to pay for the correction in the USA? Maybe you pay shit to them thus making tips almost mandatory, but if the barista f words up the drink, the correction is for free and they are lucky if they are not fired/made to pay for the first one/shouted by the boss in Europe.

  11. Tricia135:29 AM

    *not made perfectly (just saw typo)

  12. Scandi Sanskrit7:33 AM

    What's the point of saying, "how I didn’t get fired for what I said to him is a miracle" if you're not going to actually say what you said. Spill!

    Seriously, tell us what you said Diana. We need to know. LOL.

  13. Bobbi Newhart1:28 PM

    She needs time to think it up....

  14. Hot Cola2:05 PM

    So? Its disgusting behaviour but happens in The corporate world all the time. Why is she getting special heat when I bet every studio head does that to his/hers assistants?

  15. Hot Cola2:10 PM

    Their coffee is bloody terrible...How they became a big world wide network is beyond me...
