Thursday, April 20, 2017

Blind Item #8

All the answers this week to the blind items are people who have never previously been an answer to a blind in the past decade.

This B- list mostly television actor is currently in the main cast for two pretty hit shows. One is on a network and the other is on cable. That being said, you might know his face, but no way are you going to know his name even after a half dozen seasons of television comedy. Anyway, our actor has quite the collection of naked photos he has managed to take of various female guest stars from his network show. They often use a trailer next to his and he has a way of taking photos in it. Creepy.


  1. ???
    Without their consent?
    This implies he has a hidden camera in their trailer.

  2. SarahS2:08 AM

    That's no creepy--that's ILLEGAL. I'm starting to get really angry about the number of blinds posted where authorities CLEARLY need to be involved!!!

  3. Completely agree. Between this and the constant blinds where the victim is described or named, but the perpetrator gets an anonymous pass, it's pretty outrageous. If you use the argument that there are legal issues involved, why do they only apply to not naming the perpetrator, but it's okay to name or describe the victim? Whether the blind item is true or not is irrelevant.

    Creepy is also not the word I'd use here, either. It downplays the severity like "oh, it's not that big of a deal, he's just kind of a weirdo."

  4. CapInTheAss2:49 AM

    I agree but try to tell myself to remember that this is a "gossip" site when I get worked up anything I read here. If there was any proof of this, Enty wouldn't need to be anonymous--and could make lots of money representing these people. He is, after all, an attorney.

  5. police dog2:49 AM

    definitely illegal.

  6. Candy Crowleys Driver2:51 AM

    Hmmm. We don't know his name, but he is B list.

  7. Guesser3:25 AM

    It definitely down plays what this is, this should definitely be reported. I know it could be made up or exaggerated, but people have been and should be changed when this happens. Of course, Enty might say because of the way this is written, that he gets them to pose willingly.

  8. JustReading3:53 AM

    How do we guess someone whose name we can't possibly know?

  9. Rebecca4:21 AM

    My first thought was Zach Woods, Silicon Valley, The Good Wife, the Office as the hit long ago. But...apparently the Good Wife is done as of 2016. hmm....can't think of anyone else.

  10. And all this behavior is just whispered about, never addressed. Hope he gets caught.

  11. Sarah7:55 AM

    Freddie highmore - bates hotel

  12. Scandi Sanskrit10:39 AM

    But he's famous? The penal code doesn't apply to famous people...

  13. Scandi Sanskrit10:41 AM

    Maybe this is Enty's way of "reporting" him?

  14. Hortensia11:12 AM

    You got that one!

  15. Or you need to realize that this probably isn't true.....I love reading the blinds just for fun but I am willing to bet the amount of true blinds is about 20 percent.

  16. Malone DB1:28 PM

    H. Jon Benjamin. Bob's burgers and Archer

  17. Random 1012:38 PM

    Enty is a lawyer and a smart one. If was really interested i am sure he would be able to find a way to report these chaps. Specially when there is stuff like photographic evidence. But men in Hollywood dont care about women. For them women are the perfect victims who will continue to remain just that victims. Silent victims

  18. WhatsUp3:46 PM

    They don't have trailers for animated shows.

  19. Casper M11:30 PM

    Ben Feldman. Superstore and Veep.

  20. Miss S2:31 PM

    Matt McGory: OITNB & How to Get Away with Murder

  21. Clarisse McClellan11:58 AM

    He's not "currently in the main cast". His stint ended OITNB in 2015.

  22. Willow6:08 AM

    Eh, long ago, there was a guy who might have been a lawyer who wrote this. I remember those days. But now it's written by a team of definitely non-lawyers who pretty much just re-word articles from the Daily Mail. "Enty," whoever he might have been, is long gone.
