Friday, April 07, 2017

Blind Item #8

This foreign born A-/B+ list mostly movie actress with two first names is cheating on her significant other with someone on her latest project.


  1. MontanaMarriott1:48 AM

    Ellen Page?

  2. sandybrook1:49 AM

    Alice Eve?

  3. Tricia131:53 AM

    Good guess-maybe with Keanu Reeves on Replica
    Was gonna say AmyAdams onJustice League(born in Italy) but don't think Enty calls her FB ever

  4. Margot Robbie

  5. English Rose2:04 AM

    Lily James- s/o being Matt Smith

  6. Eastover6:19 AM

    I thought she'd split with her husband anyway so not cheating, unless she has a new boyfriend. Who knew there were so many actresses with 2 first names!

  7. Eastover6:23 AM

    I think this is who it's meant to be. Hope it's not true as I like them both.

  8. Thist3:09 PM

    Def not Matt Smith and Lily James. Plenty of pap shots in recent weeks with them and obviously very happy and very close. Those who know them are actually expecting poss wedding bells. Both avoid any publicity so nice to know that at least one really lovely and genuine couple still together. Must be around three years now.

  9. lalaloopsy4:34 AM

    IIRC she had some issues on the Baby Driver set with rumours that Jamie Fox was giving her unwanted attention. There were then rumours about her and Ansel Elgort on the same movie that sounded made up with deliberate Cinderella clues. I'm wondering whether she was propositioned by someone on the set, turned him down and is now the victim of someone making up rumours about her. The film is due out soon.

  10. lalaloopsy4:36 AM

    Margot Robbie is married, so wouldn't it say 'husband', not S/O?
