Thursday, April 20, 2017

Blind Item #9

All the answers this week to the blind items are people who have never previously been an answer to a blind in the past decade.

This B list mostly television actress always seems to get a break on a show destined to fail. Such is the case for this network show which has had a couple season run. Unfortunately for our actress she got her main cast job this season. For whatever reason, whether it is because she is smarter than almost anyone else on set, she is considered a jinx. When she walks on to a show, bad things happen. People get injured, the show gets canceled. There was one time she made a point of saying goodbye at the end of a day to a woman who was in a hospital 45 minutes later because of a horrific car accident. Our actress did the Disney thing but has an education to do whatever she wants.


  1. jkasojksfal4:14 AM

    America Ferrera?

  2. sandybrook5:46 AM

    Brenda Song?

  3. 8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob7:18 AM

    Hollyweirdians are superstitious, that was the last nail in the coffin of my respect for those liberals.

  4. Scandi Sanskrit10:13 AM

    "Has an education to do whatever she wants." That woman with the PhD from "Big Bang Theory"? If this were a dude, I'd guess Ken Jeong.

    Good for whoever this is, when the role offers dry up—and any non-delusional human being knows they will—they won't have to "call the paps/get knocked-up" to "stay relevant", they can just move on to living a quiet life (provided they don't get addicted to the lifestyle).

  5. Scandi Sanskrit10:18 AM

    The right to believe is a basic human right that should be protected (as long as they don't trample on others' human rights when they practice those rights). I don't understand why beliefs that many people like undermine by labeling as "superstitions" are looked down upon while more extensive "systems of belief" many like to call "religion" are somehow more 'respectable' (neither are scientifically proven). Let people believe in what they want to believe.

  6. I agree with the Brenda Song guess....was on Dads and it was cancelled and was just recently on Pure Genius which I think will be cancelled.

    Sucks because I actually really like her.

  7. Cate Chandler3:27 PM

    Brigit Mendler. She was on the show Undateable on NBC

  8. I would've guessed Summer Glau, but she wasn't on Disney
