Sunday, April 02, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #13

March 10, 2017

Just as I told you would happen about six weeks ago, this A list director had enough of all the substance abuse issues of this A list mostly movie actress with multiple Academy Award wins/nominations and left her.

Jennifer Lawrence/Darren Aronofsky


  1. sandybrook4:11 AM

    Except they are still together

  2. Marcus5:06 AM

    Yes that display in front of the paps was very convincing. It's just a matter of time before this disaster ends.

  3. Fluffy6:04 AM

    LOL fake BI of the day!

  4. Baby love6:27 AM

    They're not over until she wins/gets nominated for Oscar

  5. Jessica6:28 AM

    She probably thought she would lose weight since she's always called fat, but is addicted now.

  6. The last picture I recall of JLaw was when she was hailing a cab on a street in New York. I thought it odd she had her suitcase with her.

    Anyway, did Darren break up with her on the DL? And, then asked (told) her to leave?

    Tune in tomorrow for the conclusion of this episode!

    Same Bat Time!
    Same Bat Channel!

  7. Sharpie6:43 AM

    Nothing could scream PR stunt more than this really messy '' relationship ''

  8. Hortensia8:32 AM

    Recent photos show them still together.

  9. Micaela10:33 AM

    This is bullshit, "he left her" wtf? Leave her as the lover when her body language in the photos really worries me, she's literally asking for help

  10. SnarkIsFun11:52 AM

    @David - "Same Bat Time! Same Bat Channel!" ROTFLMAO!! You win the internet today!

  11. lol "asking for help". She's an adult and has plenty of money. She can help herself.
