Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 10, 2017

I got an e-mail asking me a question about this foreign born dual threat A- list actor not named Cumberbatch. They wanted to know if he is “that nice or has an inner darkness lurking.” Have I made him out to be nice because I am sorry if I have. He is a self-centered pretentious a-hole. He is a really really good actor though. Oh, and he can play the PR game almost better than anyone. His one problem other than a-holery is that he is obsessed with trying to find someone he thinks is a suitable publicity match.

Tom Hiddleston


  1. One question:
    Is he as much of an a-hole as Tay-Tay?

  2. Scandi Sanskrit1:29 AM

    Honestly, tho. That's hysterical! Whhat kind of human being emails Enty to ask him if they have "an inner darkness lurking"? 😂😂😂

    Who's asking?

  3. Tom's PR people...

  4. AMartel2:12 AM

    90% of the fun of reading gossip sites is watching how celebs go in and out of style with the herd for the most capricious and vague reasons. The guy's "pretentious"? How so? What's he "pretentious" about? and why is that necessarily a bad thing? And how is that different from basically everyone else including you? No one ever bothers to question the real reasons. Ooo, he's pretentious. fuck him. Next.

  5. AMartel2:13 AM


  6. sandybrook2:30 AM

    Tay's PR people paid Entern to write this and he totally agreed because page views are necessary.

  7. longtimereader2:35 AM

    Well she can be ruthless if you try to cross her. As i'm sure tom and calvin found out to their dismay. Plenty of previous blinds about that.

  8. French girl2:40 AM

    Fascinâting ! He is a mega famewhore obsessed by his own person

  9. texasrose3:31 AM

    "Oh, and he can play the PR game almost better than anyone." Not sure about that claim. He came out looking like a douche, famewhore, manbeard after the TayTay fiasco.(even without the tshirt buffoonery.)

  10. Melissa4:24 AM

    He is a joke and he did it to himself.
    Taylor Swift is a joke, it's too bad Americans have the worst taste in 'music' and think her garbage is actual 'music'.

  11. maybe he should just carry a mirror around.

  12. Sadie7:00 AM

    Hiddleston is NOT a very good actor. He's competent. That's about it. He was wimpy and underwhelming in the King Kong movie. He can forget about playing Bond. Aint gonna happen.

  13. Dumblesnore10:46 AM

    He and Tay Tay should come out of the closet together, holding hands.

  14. He plays the PR game harder than anyone else. Not better. Big difference. Comes across as a massive try-hard.

  15. I'm sorry, but every time I look at him, I'm repulsed. I picture him naked, with a"come hither" expression on his face and I just wanna puke!
    He ruined it for me as the creepy, rapey stalker bad-guy in that movie with Blake Lively.
    I'm alone here? Really??!!

    1. he has only apeared with him at that Taylor 4th july event with that tshirt no woek together. Eddie Redmayne was in a film with her, not Tom

  16. I don't believe this. I worked with him on the Avengers and he was very professional, exceptionally considerate and very charming. I really had no opinion of him prior to that but his behavior on set really impressed me, especially in comparison to some others on set!

  17. he went to Eton, hes bern trained to be polite and popular. Problem is his narcissism that is growing at max rate.
