Monday, April 03, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 13, 2017

This A- list actor/director from an acting family was hitting on this teen hard before a flight the other day. She was headed back to school after a weekend home so lets assume she was 18 although with this guy, you never know. He paid for her to upgrade to first class and sit next to him the entire flight where he kept ordering wine for her and making out with her. They left the plane together and went off with his driver together too.

James Franco


  1. Guesser1:27 AM

    If this was on a US flight she shouldn't be served wine unless she's over 21,and then not much of a story.

  2. longtimereader2:57 AM

    Rumours of him being into barely legal teens for years.

  3. Jennifer3:02 AM

    Ew. I don't even want to venture a guess as to what porn sites this creep surfs.

  4. Dumblesnore3:43 AM

    His insecurity must be insurmountable if he has to fuck around with children in order to be "top dog" and in control. Pathetic.

  5. If she's 21, so what?

    She's a grown woman and was going to get laid by a movie star.

  6. Alistdiva4:02 AM

    I thought he was gay? One week on this site a guy is gay, the next he's a womanizer, u never know!

  7. greg845:54 AM

    There was a story here in the UK a few years back about him sexting a 16 yr old school girl. So this wouldn't surprise me.

  8. Mop top6:21 AM

    God, he's gross. And I don't even really mean because the girl was young, although that's bad enough. He's just very unattractive to me. I know I'm shallow, but he really need to bleach his teeth. *shudders*

  9. melissa7:08 AM

    He is disgusting. His looks, his approach to life, his penchant for young girls....all nasty.

  10. Hortensia10:50 AM

    Half the time he's dressing in women's clothes, and slathering on the eyeshadow and lipstick. No telling where his thing has been. Gross.

  11. SnarkIsFun11:38 AM

    @Dumblesnore, agree 100000%!

  12. Sheepie2:29 PM


  13. Diana4:05 PM

    He just oozes sleaze. Gross.

  14. Closeted gays are often womanizers. Y'know, to convince people they are straight, VERY straight.
