Monday, April 03, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 15, 2017

This foreign born A list mostly movie actor with multiple Academy Award wins/nominations is super young but just showed off the newest work done to his face. In a decade he is going to be regretting this.

Eddie Redmayne


  1. sandybrook2:23 AM

    35 isn't super young, woman do the work at 35, so nothing to see here. He'll regret it if he turns out looking like Meg Ryan did after all her work.

  2. Charlie Hunnam just had work down and he is around the same age

  3. SkittleKitty3:16 AM

    Frankly, I think he should regret the work now. His face already looks unnatural to me.

  4. SarahS3:19 AM

    I have a friend that is 34 and has begun getting fillers, as his mother told him he needed to start early to keep it looking "natural". Well, it looks TERRIBLE! And he thinks that I'm being a huge bitch to him about it and trying to make him feel bad. No, I'm trying to tell you that you have Madonna-face and NO ONE needs fillers in their 30's!!!

  5. "Sometimes you have to smack a client up side the head with the truth to get their attention." Mike Sitren

    Pst: Mike was the first RE Broker i ever worked for. Sadly, he passed away 25+ years ago after a 35+ year career in California Real Estate.

  6. cebii4:20 AM

    How many celebrities have GOOD fillers? Any? Most just look fake.

  7. Lalallla4:21 AM

    he's a weird fella for sure: all about Eddie Redcarpet screams constructed...he certainly wears a toupee, he's either a metrosexual or a closeted homosexual ...or both

  8. dianavonthirstybird5:21 AM

    Hope he didn't have all the cute freckles removed! His nose could stand a tweek but that's it.

  9. melissa7:10 AM

    +1000....and its not just celebs, I live in a super affluent area of NJ and the filler faces/botox faces here are disgusting.
    You are kidding NO ONE people, you look ridiculous.

  10. Susannah10:28 PM

    What work? Just tried to google recent pics but couldn't find anything ... and then got distracted by some shirtless pics 🙊

  11. Eddie Redmayne is a strange man he looks very feminine looking.
