Monday, April 10, 2017

Your Turn

Do you think anyone will actually stop flying United because of the beating of one of their passengers? Will people stop drinking Pepsi because of the Kendall Jenner ad?


  1. sandybrook3:04 AM

    No to United, not that many airline choices flying to so many places like United, plus they almost are O'Hare Airport in Chicago.Some people will probably stop drinking Pepsi.

  2. Tricia133:12 AM

    1)Hey-whenever you see someone fighting (on United)or anywhere ,just hand them a"Pepsi"- its transformational and life affirming!
    2)I hope so. Because they both suck are are bad for ones overall health and self preservation

  3. JustReading3:18 AM

    Tough one on United. What's the point of making a reservation if they can just pull you off the plane? That's crazy. All airlines have gotten steadily more rude and awful over the past 10 years, but this incident is really terrible, IMO.
    The Pepsi add was a weak imitation of the iconic Teach the World to Sing 1970s Coke campaign - pair that with infamously vacuous Kendall Jenner and fail was the only option. Some are saying she's "traumatized" which is about as snowflakey a thing as I've ever heard.
    I don't drink pepsi & haven't for a long time.

  4. NotThatBeth3:18 AM

    Many airline markets are only served by one-two airlines, and Unites is usually one of them. I would like to hear what their reasoning is for pulling anyone off of an overbooked flight. Wouldn't common sense tell you to stop boarding people once the plane is at capacity?

    As for Pepsi, they might lose a few; some people treat their soda like a religion, and I have no desire to make windows into men's souls.

  5. Sigh. The Pepsi ad is no where near as bad as assaulting a person. Making out like they're similar is disingenuous.

  6. Juank3:22 AM

    I think the Pepsi ad was great. They haven't had this much publicity since they lit Michael on fire.

  7. Do Tell3:25 AM

    People should stop drinking Pepsi because like all soda, it is horrible for you and discolors and rots your teeth. Kenduhll does not have any influence over whether people will or won't stop or start drinking something..I don't believe any soda commercial is actually achieving anything other than preaching to their existing audience.

    Not sure how much of a dent United is going to suffer. It was poor planning on their part to not figure in employee seats before booking out that plane. But ALL airlines purposely overbook, to offset cancellations. That is a problem. United just screwed up this time and their security also handled it badly. I think *personal* experience with an airline is what makes people turn away from them or continue to use them.

    I stopped flying Delta because they stuck us on the tarmac for 7 hours one February, when the pilots said we could have taken off. Then the desk agent contradicted them, nobody was offered any compensation for the inconveniences and missed events experienced, and then the Delta agents were unable to find us any other flights. I called my brother and he found me an alternate flight within 15 minutes. I'm done with them.

  8. No.
    But (stupid) airlines need to stop (purposefully) overbooking flights.
    Besides, if a passenger is already boarded, why don't the airlines just make the later arrivals take another flight? Regardless of their ticket status.
    Saw the headline, didn't read it.

  9. Do Tell3:40 AM

    Purposely is a word and it is in the dictionary, and I did use it correctly.

    Purposely means on purpose. It is a synonym of intentionally. When you mean to do something, you do it purposely.

    Purposefully means (1) with a sense of purpose, or (2) with determination.

  10. Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley3:48 AM

    I know a LOT of people who stopped watching a certain cable news outlet when they forced a portly commentator off the air without reason or justification. And you see where their ratings have gone ever since. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!

  11. RenShaw3:48 AM

    Yes to both. People are more aware these days on how they spend their dollars. Pepsi already suffered a setback when Beyonce fronted for them and will again. But people eventually forget and come back. Airliners in general are increasingly tactless in how they treat their passengers. Typically they make an offer for a passenger to deplane, so why assault this man. Isn't that the TSA's job.

  12. RenShaw4:01 AM

    They are not comparable by any means but both generated controversy and eventual talk of boycott. The Pepsi people say they referenced police relations with the public back in the 60'a and not BLM. Going with that weak lie fed into the outrage of the civil rights movement and making light of it. They could have averted the whole thing by leaving the cops out of it.

  13. police dog4:15 AM

    I just want the kardashians to become irrelevant. what kind of people are their fans??? I almost have a morbid curiosity to observe ppl stupid enough to declare their love for the Klan.

  14. dianavonthirstybird4:22 AM

    1. There is A LOT more to the airline removal than we are being told. 2. They will have to pry my Pepsi from my dead, cold hands! Nobody comes between me and my Peps!!

  15. Candy4:27 AM

    Pepsi: Making a stoopid commercial is not enough to make me stop using a product. That said, Pepsi, and soda in general, really suck, in both taste and health.

    United: If I have to fly it or not go, I will fly it, but they certainly did not earn my goodwill. If you buy a ticket, you should be able to expect a seat and a trip, period. Overbooking is complete horse$hit and should not happen.

    Now ask me about Hobby Lobby and you will get a totally different answer.

  16. SandyC4:35 AM

    United already treats passengers who don't pay more for extra status (Mileage Plus, Premier Class or Upgrades) like CRAP, and they make no bones about it. 100% guaranteed those were not the passengers picked to get off the plane!

    Also, I don't believe the story about the flight crew who had to fly on this plane to make another flight. I'm sure they were taking one of their freebie flights!

  17. Simon5:04 AM

    Mostly United out of my airport for certain destinations.i take cause I have no choice but I hate them.

  18. texasrose6:26 AM

    The 'I will never fly United again' resolutions will last until their next flight search finds an United flight $10 to $25 less than competitors or maybe 1/2 hour more convenient for them.

  19. Scandi Sanskrit10:30 AM

    I believe. I'm a "boycotter" type myself (if I don't like what someone's doing, I stop buying their products, stop giving them attention/money they don't deserve). Especially when there are other options, you have a choice.

  20. Ads don't influence me, but customer service sure does. Having said that, I'm Canadian and have absolutely no need to ever fly United.

    I prefer Coke and that's all I buy for home, but no Jenner would make me not get a Pepsi if that's all the restaurant has.

  21. UnicornFullOfRainbows12:16 PM

    If we have not been told it, how do you know there is more?

  22. Derek Harvey1:37 PM

    I suggest a DIET coke...

  23. Wendy1:50 PM

    Ah, Derek, always nice of you to come back to the site with your nice comments.

  24. Derek Harvey1:54 PM

    Always nice to hear your opinion...

  25. No and no
