Monday, April 24, 2017

Your Turn

Apple or Android/Windows?


  1. sandybrook3:04 AM

    I prefer Android/Windows. Upgrading is less frequent and usually free. Apple updates their crap every 2 or 3 months nd you have to usually go out and buy something new

  2. Brooklyn Girl3:10 AM

    Apple. All the way.

  3. Lurky McLurkster3:13 AM

    Android. All the way.

  4. just sayin\'3:32 AM

    apple but i dislike myself for it.

  5. Beige Caulk3:45 AM

    Android, I'm not an Apple cuck. They upgrade IOS to make your phone obsolete, they charge extra for storage. You can get a 32k Android for $300

  6. Sunshine.3:54 AM

    Windows 100% Apple is overpriced hipster garbage.

  7. Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley4:05 AM

    Windows. I like it when I leave the drapes open and half of downtown Atlanta can see my bodacious tatas when I'm undressing at night

  8. RenShaw4:24 AM

    ? For computer, phone, and tablet. Upfront cost is high and a bit painful but over the life of the products, it's absolutely worth it.

    I used to resist Apple and made fun of it. I wanted nothing to do with it. Then I tired of changing my Windows based systems every 2 to 3 years. They get slow, brake down, virus magnets in spite of spending $$$ on anti-malware and getting screwed over by the fixit folks. None of those issues on my 5 year Mac and it's superfast. If you are a techie freak, the phone is fun to upgrade although not necessary. You can still work with an old iPhone 5s if you just want to talk, text, or read online. Other features will improve as technology advances but that's for all electronics.

    Resistance was futile now Apple addict.

  9. AndrewBW5:42 AM

    Tracfone. When people ask me what kind of smartphone I have I tell them I don't have one, I have a dumbphone.

  10. HH3146:32 AM

    iphone for work, google chrome for fun and a tracfone (hello AndrewBW) for no frills phone calls (I refuse to give up my number, plus I get triple lifetime minutes)

  11. hand me down Apple iPhone (from my not so hipster husband).

  12. Hot Cola7:20 AM

    Android and Windows.
    F*ck learning something new.
    I've taken my windows 98 course and its served/ serves me perfectly all the way to windows 7

  13. Scandi Sanskrit9:44 AM

    Both. I'm only too stupid for Linux...

    Only use Windows laptop! I've had three bricked iPods, though. I got an iPad for my birthday and since, I've ben addicted to emojis (even worse now that they have emoji girls who look like me after I cut my own hair on YouTube). Went from Android phone to iPhone.

  14. Scandi Sanskrit9:45 AM

    iPhones and iPads aren't too hipstery, IMO. It's the Macbook that defines the hipster.

  15. Scandi Sanskrit9:46 AM


  16. Scandi Sanskrit9:48 AM

    Hate when they do that! It's really unfair when companies "force" you to upgrade like that. It's like, you have to upgrade the OS, but your old hardware can't take it anymore, so you don't. But if you don't, you can't use the latest app upgrades, so you don't. And then they stop letting you login from the older versions of the app. And then you have no fucking choice but to buy new hardware. These people seriously have no concept of e-waste.

  17. Android/Windows. All. The. Way.
