Monday, May 08, 2017

Blind Item #10 - MTV Movie Awards

This former member of a singing group is foreign born. I think everyone was amazed she was able to perform last night given the amount of coke everyone had seen her use throughout the night. It was an impressive amount and makes me wonder how she is able to afford to build up such a tolerance to it considering her income could not be that high right now.


  1. Tricia131:46 AM

    Camilla Cabello?

  2. Julie1:49 AM

    Camila Cabello.

    She looks wrecked for sure...Maybe it's just a lack of sleep working on her album.

  3. longtimereader1:52 AM

    Get her booked for a yacht in a few years time.

  4. Tricia131:58 AM

    Yikes!!so young too... I didn't see ahow(or her perform) but sounds messy:(

  5. Sits and watch2:37 AM

    It's was awful!
    She didn't hit any of her notes

  6. Guesser2:43 AM

    Don't you mean weeks? She's twenty, she's not getting any younger,and drugs aren't getting any cheaper.

  7. Sarah6:31 AM

    I think Camila left the group way too early. Yes, the group has been together for awhile, but for the first few years they were only popular among the Radio Disney crowd and really only started charting over the past 2 years. She should have stuck it out for another album or 2, established herself as the star more, and then left. I feel like she's going to flop as a solo act right now.

  8. Patrick6:51 AM

    Left is a strong word. Kicked out for being a drugged out dumpster fire in the making is more like it.
