Friday, May 05, 2017

Blind Item #10

This A- list comic actress/television host might be the most liberal person you know of on television, however her husband is doing everything he can to prove just how not liberal he can be. This is not some behind the scenes whisper kind of thing. There were several hundred people around who witnessed the fairly racist things he had to say.


  1. sandybrook4:02 AM

    Joy Behar and hubby Steve Janowitz?

  2. AMartel4:10 AM

    Privileged and protected racist bully you've never heard of?
    There is no way that's not a liberal.

  3. just sayin\'4:21 AM

    janeane garofalo and brody tate?

  4. just sayin\'4:23 AM

    nvm, is a pinup girl for the left but not a host.

  5. Joel Theriot4:40 AM

    Samantha Bee and the husband that didn't want the poor to infiltrate the local schools

  6. Guesser4:40 AM

    Samantha Bee?

  7. Sarah5:32 AM

    I'm surprised Samantha Bee would be with such a jackass. Honestly sad.

  8. Truth6:06 AM

    Oh, come on. There are ways of life for her and ways of life for the rest of the unwashed. BTW, her ways include not having the poors and minorities mingling with her people.

  9. Jennifer10:20 AM

    We need to stop letting Canadians into this country.

  10. Scandi Sanskrit10:49 AM

    Liberals are not necessarily "progressives". When we're in a "liberal" country, we get to be one of the few species on Earth who have sex for pleasure (as opposed to reproduction/procreation, like the rest of the animal kingdom). However, in that kind of "liberal" culture, women can more easily trap (ironically, "unliberate") men by getting "accidentally" knocked-up and have their work-free 18-year child support meal ticket (or, in the celebrity world, ride on a man's coat-tails and be permanently attached to him with their "baby mama" status) which is not "progressive" at all (from a feminist view-point).

    Sure, people get stoned/whipped/killed for having premarital sex in Afghanistan/Saudi Arabia/even certain parts of Indonesia. But it's not like the "liberal" west is perfect, either: If it didn't have these societal problems, Kanye would never have written "Gold Digger" (brilliant song, by the way). CDAN is full of blinds about it (by comparison of "this foreign-born actress is having premarital sex and her family in her home country don't know about it" blinds).

    So why should anyone be surprised that a "liberal" turns out to be racist? By simple/basic definition, "liberals" are just people who live free to be who they they want to be (and that includes everything from being a racist jerk, freedom to gain fame/notoriety, to being allowed to choose which system of belief you want to follow—there's a whole spectrum of things you're "free" to be). That is, until you remind them they shouldn't trample on others' rights in their own pursuit of freedom (however, too many of them are too ego-driven and selfish, or just too stupid, to understand this concept). Only then can a "liberal" be considered "progressive", you can also be conservative with a progressive mind.

    Some forms of "liberalism" (untempered, cavemen individualism) are regressive when they fail to respect the basic rights of others.

  11. Mr. Knowitall11:05 AM

    Careful everyone. Story not true.

  12. Snopes attempts a clean up on aisle 10. Nope, It's true.

  13. TheGarofaholic8:27 PM

    The Janeane marriage info is false.

  14. semi good guesser12:15 AM

    Turning to snopes for validation or debunking is not recommended.

  15. Guesser12:40 AM

    The only reason he and others in this school didn't want the school moved was because it would be near public housing. They had the excuses prepared. The only thing they proved wrong was when this happened,which was last year, it appeared to be presented as current.

  16. Swanky Bubbles2:51 AM

    You use Snopes as your source for anything? WOW

  17. If she doesn't like where PS452 is moving to, I wholeheartedly wish she would send her kids to new newly zoned school, PS145, located in the middle of the Frederick Douglass Houses. PS 452 is at least 25 blocks away from her new multi million dollar aprartment. 145 is a really quick walk from where she lives.

  18. JabroniMaloney5:07 PM

    So let me guess this straight....You guys don't believe Snopes, but you do believe a dumb gossip blog that has a fiction disclaimer at the bottom? Lol wat...

  19. JabroniMaloney5:07 PM

    Bubbles got dat Bubble brain. Snopes is more legit than this blog.

  20. JabroniMaloney5:17 PM

    Samantha may not be my favorite person but people really need to stop repeating this thing as if it's fact when it's old stale bullshit that died years ago. It almost makes you people look very desperate like your dear leader Trump.

  21. JabroniMaloney5:18 PM

    no one's reading this honey

  22. Scandi Sanskrit1:32 AM

    Well, then! Thank you to you (and the 6–7 people who down-voted it) for reading my comment!

    Did that hit too close to home? "Ring a bell?" Gotta love English idioms.

  23. Scandi Sanskrit1:33 AM

    I lie about lying all the time... I guess that counts as a "fiction disclaimer" too.

  24. longtimereader1:39 AM

    I can't stand her, her smugness annoys me.

  25. capcha6:38 AM

    Pratt and Farris
