Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Blind Item #1

Three franchises at once for this A-/B+ list mostly movie actress. She is doing press for her only superhero one. She is also back to her not eating anything. She used to do this a couple of years ago and then stopped. It is now worse than ever. She thinks she looks fat and can go days on end with not eating.


  1. Georgia11:40 PM

    Zoe Saldana

  2. Saw "Guardians of the Galaxy again last night on FX. Fun movie.
    Hope this one is just as good.

  3. Chelle12:25 AM

    Me too! Got me excited for the new one. Hope it's just as good too!

  4. longtimereader2:59 AM

    I loved the new one, not quite as good as the first but still better than most big movies. I'm from the UK, it was released last weekend.

  5. Emmaf6:15 AM

    If she turns sideways she disappears. Doesn't look good.

  6. police dog6:42 AM

    problem is the source of the problem of this often lies in the brain :( and of course, the body takes the beating.

    hope she gets better :-/
